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Monthly Archives: September, 2012
Ocupa: Luchando por el futuro que necesitamos
No es una cosa --- es todo. Somos el 99%
El levantamiento del movimiento de Ocupa en este país y en todo el mundo es...
OCCUPY: Fighting for the future we need
The rise of the Occupy movement in this country and around the world is an expression of the people's response to broken capitalism and...
From the Editors: Jobs and the Elections
As the political campaign intensifies so do the efforts of the major candidates to not talk about the central issue by talking all around...
Solving the Riddle of History
The introduction of labor-replacing technology is destroying value, polarizing society and giving rise to the formation of a new class of workers — the...
Unfinished America, A History of Culture Wars
In Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010, Charles Murray (famous for The Bell Curve, which made use of racist ideas and quasi-scientific...
The Jobs of Tomorrow?
The U.S. community college system is the largest public education system in the world, with over 5 million students. Community colleges traditionally have been...
Abolish Student Debt, Make Government Accountable
"Trillion Dollar Day” was the day last April when student debt in the U.S. exceeded one trillion dollars, sur-passing even U.S. credit card debt....
Inside: 2012 Election – A Perfect Storm
As discontent grows and people are pulled into political motion, the electoral process is creating the opportunity to take another step toward breaking the...
Class Interest Drives the Politics of Healthcare for All
When Representative Joe Wilson shouted “you lie” in Congress in September 2009, referring to whether or not undocumented workers will get healthcare under the...