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Monthly Archives: November, 2015
Homelessness: Front Line in the Fight for Class Unity
The destruction of the capitalist economy is eliminating the economic and social privileges historically extended to a large section of the American working class....
Inside: We Have Been Naught We Shall Be All
Come, I will make the continent indissoluble,
I will make the most splendid race the sun ever shone upon,
I will make divine magnetic lands,
With the...
Defend the Leaders of Our Class
The Rev. Edward Pinkney, courageous and heroic fighter for the working class of Benton Harbor, Michigan was unjustly convicted on absolutely no evidence and...
Strategy and Political Power in America: The Role of the South
The question for revolutionaries today is, how does the introduction of robotics affect the question of political power? And what are the strategy and...
Nelson Peery: American Revolutionary June 22, 1923-September 6, 2015
At particular moments, history creates possibilities for humanity to progress toward its liberation. But those possibilities can become reality only if masses of people...
Break with the Past, Prepare for the Future
Editors' Note: The following opening remarks, written by Nelson Peery, were prepared for a national LRNA meeting held in September 2015.
First of all,...
Estrategia, Misión, y el Camino Adelante
Para poder ser eficaces, las organizaciones revolucionarias deben tomar pausa para evaluar y examinar el ambiente y las condiciones en las que trabajan. A...
On Syndicalism: An Interview with Nelson Peery
Editors Note: This interview was conducted by the League of Revolutionary Black Workers Media Project in July 2015.
First of all, syndicalism was the foundation...