Building Blocks
Building Block articles help explain a basic concept of the revolutionary process, challenging readers to explore their meaning for political work in today’s environment.
Reform and Revolution
The defining characteristic of capitalism is that the owners of capital exploit human labor to produce commodities that the workers must then purchase with...
Is a Universal Basic Income the Solution?
“. . . so-called universal basic income (UBI) is currently one of the most hotly debated policy topics being floated as a means...
Abundance is Possible for All
Human labor is being pushed out of the market by the more efficient, more productive, labor-less electronic means of production. Robots and computers make possible...
The End of Money
In a capitalist system, second only to the laws of nature, money drives the world around us. In our society, money is real world...
Abundance is Possible for All
Human labor is being pushed out of the market by the more efficient, more productive, labor-less electronic means of production. Robots and computers make possible...
New Class Demands Distribution According to Need
The introduction of labor-replacing technology is giving rise to a whole new class of workers, rendered superfluous to a system which no longer needs...
Take the Strategic Offensive
The dictionary defines strategy as “the art or science of the planning and conduct of a war,” and also as “a particular long-term plan...
Vision and Our Strategic Path
Throughout history the development of humanity’s tools beyond the subsistence stage has created the material basis for class exploitation. These class relations, exploiter to...
Strategy, Tactics and Private Property
A tiny ruling class is amassing greater and greater wealth, while millions workers are being thrown out, or to the margins of the dying...
Abolish Private Property – Transform Society
The new electronic, automated technology is shaking the very foundations of society. It is creating untold misery for billions, as obscene wealth is accumulated...
Knowing the World
Dialectical and historical materialism teaches us that history, historical development, and social motion, are, like anything, completely knowable. We learn from its study that...
A New World View: What the Future Holds
If we as revolutionaries understand that dialectical and historical materialism, that is, the science of how and why things change, is an application to...
Understand the World, Make History
Revolutionaries need to understand the world in order to change it. We have to understand the laws of change and development that define what’s...
No Victory Without New Ideas
The escalating destruction and polarization of our society is generating a heightened level of spontaneous resistance. Mass social struggles in Wisconsin, Michigan, in immigrant...
Why the League of Revolutionaries for a New America?
The League of Revolutionaries for a New America is an organization of revolutionaries that describes the current state of human society as entering an...
Communism Today: Distribution According to Need
What is communism? What is socialism? Americans today are increasingly asking themselves these questions as they seek answers to the poverty and violence of...
The Rise of Fascism and Social Revolution in America
Most Americans think fascism is something foreign, occurring in Europe decades ago, and that it “can’t happen here.” In fact, the opposite is true....
Democracy: A Revolutionary Cause
The American people have a long history of fighting for the ideal of democracy, of rule by "we the people." When they kicked off...
Organization Determines Everything
A world economic revolution has made world political revolution inevitable. The question is: What kind of revolution will it be? Organizations are created to...
A World Beyond Private Property
What do we mean when we use the term “private property”' in our current capitalist system? We aren't referring to people's personal possessions —...
Future Turns on What We Do Now
We live in a time when a fundamental antagonism is destroying the very basis of society. Our economic system depends on the exploitation of...
Instability in Time of Epochal Change
“May you live in interesting times.” Blessing or curse – or both? The instability and insecurity of the current historical moment is making all...
The Leap: New Ideas are Key
Human beings make history in a certain time and place. Today, objectively, revolution has taken place in the base of society as the instruments...
The Leap: Qualitative, Epochal, Transformative
Humanity, and our American society, are poised on the edge of history, and the burning question of our time is, which way forward? What...