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Class consciousness
Politicize the Tech Revolution by Building Class Unity
Technology like AI displaces workers into an “equality of poverty”, spurring solidarity that gets politicized by showing they are fighting an economic system that must be changed.
Beyond the Elections: The Political Revolution Continues
People need networks to secure their basic needs, paired with a revolutionary political program of economic rights for all.
United Class Struggle will Determine Our Future
Open class struggle is emerging in U.S. politics for the first time since the Great Depression. Based in the struggle for common needs, revolutionaries can
develop fighters’ class consciousness.
The meaning of the Harris housing plan
Some of the cruelest and most painful attacks on the working class are happening on the housing front. As Will Suphon of Tucson, Arizona explained, “The housing market, the job market, the price of food ... it’s all become rather insane and so many people are being thrown to the wayside. You can do everything right and still end up living in your car.”
Energy profits plunder Puerto Rican society, ecosystem
Last June 13, residents from Puerto Rico’s coastal town Salinas staged a righteously angry and spirited protest in the courtyard of the most luxurious apartment complex in San Juan’s main urban center. Its principal owner is Nicholas Prouty, a key figure in the damning roster of real estate and finance investors currently feeding off Puerto Rico’s energy and economic crisis, which they caused.
New strategy for unions is emerging
When times were better, the trade union movement was how many workers fought to achieve the American Dream, but now unions are increasingly necessary just to survive in the new economy. And even a union contract no longer guarantees families a secure future if they belong to the new social class that is rapidly becoming dispossessed of secure employment, housing or healthcare.
Encampments a flashpoint in defense of Gaza
Across our country, university encampments protesting the Israeli Zionist genocide in Gaza have been attacked by administrators, police and even armed fascist gangs.
‘In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians’
This common protest chant embraces a profound reality that we live in dire times when all of us must, in some sense, struggle for our collective survival, existence and liberation alongside the people of Palestine.
Juneteenth: Celebration and continued struggle
Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, halfway through the Civil War. The war had been fought to determine which form of capitalist rule would prevail over the country, one founded on slave labor or one based on wage labor.
Reproductive freedom or fascism – fighting for women’s lives
A series of decisions by rogue courts and legislatures has forced reproductive freedom to the center of the 2024 elections, right there with migrant rights, genocide in Palestine, the planet, the economy, and the future of democracy.
2024: The war for democracy
Turnout in the 2024 elections will be decisive for at least temporarily stopping American fascists from destroying the little democracy we still have left. Would-be corporate dictators are organized, well-funded, and have plans to seize power at every level, from cities and towns to the federal government.
Classes Fight Over Puerto Rico’s Beaches
When a company illegally privatized a public beach, Puerto Rican workers demolished it themselves. They protected their “Commons” against capitalists there and from the U.S. mainland.
Abolition and Cultural Work: Making the Revolution Legible
A new form of abolition is arising today. First it aimed ending America’s systems of prisons and police; today it goes to the heart of the matter: “Abolition requires that you change one thing: everything.” (Ruth Wilson Gilmore, revolutionary scholar).
Juneteenth 2023: Where Woke refuses to die!
The most reactionary ruling class forces in the United States have launched a massive attack on the reality of the Black experience in America. Black history is American history -- and the denial and falsification of Black history is the denial and falsification of the history of America and the reality of America’s multiracial working class.
Chicago 2023: New politics arising
Revolutionaries using the electoral arena to advance the battle for basic needs have entered a new era in Chicago. On April 4, 2023 voters...
Democracy, Fascism and the Revolutionary Needs of the People
The ruling class in the United States has accelerated its assault on the working class, especially the most dispossessed and marginalized of that class....
End Homelessness, End Corporate Control of Housing
The housing movement in the United States is held back by real internal divisions that are manipulated by the real estate industry to thwart,...
From Illusions to Possibilities in 2022
After nine months of a pandemic that saw more than 70 million Americans go without work, and after mass unrest over the police murder...
Inside: Speculation Promotes Inequality in Housing, Society
In November, The Guardian ran a feature on Fresno, California — a portrait relevant to what’s happening all across America. “How One of California’s...
Black History Month: Disarming the Rulers with Our Unity
The conscious political unity of our diverse working class is necessary for building the power to create a new society, one where our collective...
From the Editors: Meaning of Arbery and Rittenhouse Verdicts
Police and vigilante murders of innocent people recently produced clashing verdicts, leading some to conclude that we don’t face a bad legal system, only...
A Vision of Unity and a Future for All
With the remarkable development of human knowledge, it seems impossible that so many could die from Covid-19. The U.S. is edging toward 800,000 deaths...
Una visión de unidad y un futuro para todos
Con el asombroso desarrollo del conocimiento humano, parece imposible que tantos mueran por Covid-19. En EE.UU. para principios de febrero más de 900,000 personas...
Pandemic Recovery Requires Shift in Consciousness
The betrayal of the poor couldn’t be more obvious. The U.S. ruling class has sacrificed more than 750,000 Americans, paying lip service to “essential...
Alternative Facts, The Big Lie and Evolution
We live in a country where reality is being replaced by “alternative facts,” where we are besieged by an anti-vaccine campaign that replaces objective...
Inside: What is Our Country to Become?
In 2021, the question of the direction in which the country is headed remains paramount. What is this country to become? We have choices...
From the Editors: Opioid Crisis, an Addiction to Profit
“I think the answer is paying attention to people’s needs in the first place.” — Lisa Al-Hakim, Harm Reduction Alliance, Seattle, Washington.
Several major lawsuits...
Our Revolutionary History, Today’s Revolutionary Vision
In all of life, everything has a beginning, and an end. Revolution marks the time of transition from the dying of the old and...
Capitalism Can’t Keep Us Safe from Coronavirus
We can all appreciate that vaccines will slow the number of new COVID-19 infections and deaths without ignoring the 14,000 Americans still getting sick...
Inside: Break from the Ruling Class, Chart Our Own Path
A year of violence against Asian Americans, blamed for the so-called “China flu,” culminated in increased bloodshed at the one-year anniversary of the pandemic....
From the Editors: The Meaning of January 6
The January 6th storming of the Capitol led directly to the 2nd Impeachment of Donald Trump. Government and corporate leaders fought intensely over that,...
Inexcusable Rise of Homelessness During Pandemic
Though homelessness has been increasing for over four decades, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought homeless and tenant’s rights organizers to the forefront of American...
Inside: A Future of Fascism or Communism
Six hundred sixty-six U.S. billionaires have gained over $1 trillion in wealth during the pandemic. These billionaires could pay for all of the relief...
Globalization and its Discontents
“All the world’s a stage.” These words of William Shakespeare have two meanings: first is the understanding that world history is the stage upon...
How Do We Win?
The New Year is always a time for reflection and for new resolutions. It is a time for assessing where we are now and...
COVID-19 Catastrophe: Our Class versus the Corporate State
The new year begins with reflections on the hard lessons of 2020. Countries such as China, South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, and Vietnam, which...
Our Government Responsible for Spread of Covid-19 Deaths
Among the hundreds of thousands of losses among the elderly to the coronavirus are parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends. Losses of family histories,...
New Year Calls for New Thinking
January was named for Janus, the Roman god who always turned one of his faces toward the past and the other one toward the...
Inside: Embracing Transformation for the Future
In the waning days of 2020, Sarah Palin, a demagogue of the ruling class, came to Georgia to speak at a rally on behalf...
Shameful Wealth SkyrocketsLet’s Talk About What Really Divides America
The American people are deeply divided. The sharply contested elections of 2020 became an arena in which the ruling class fomented division, strife, and...
Fight for a New Vision of what American Can Be
Corporations Make Billions off Pandemic
It didn’t have to be this way. The world’s largest economy rivaled only by China, the United States put private...
What Kind of Government do We Need to Survive the Pandemic?
It has been over nine months since the first COVID-19 stay at home orders began in U.S. states. We are going through unprecedented times...
Pandemic Enriches the Wealthy, Impoverishes Millions: Envision a Society Free of Want
The virus is running wild through our country. Two hundred thousand new cases every day, 1,500 deaths every day. Two hundred sixty-six thousand deaths...
Battle of Ideas: Who Is To Blame for Pandemic?
Today’s Americans follow the news of coronavirus infections and deaths like other generations followed casualty reports during world wars, and the coronavirus pandemic actually...
Facing Sterilization and Inhumane Detention, Women Fight For a New Society
You see them first through the filmy resolution of the video posted on YouTube, about five or six women, with makeshift masks made of...
Enfrentando la esterilización y las detenciones inhumanas: Las mujeres luchan por una nueva sociedad
La primera vez que se les vio fue en un vídeo que se publicó en YouTube sobre una resolución diáfana y patente: unas cinco...
Imaginando un nuevo Estados Unidos
Ya es común pensar que el 2020 ha sido un desastre. ¿Qué nos ha enseñado, y cómo debemos seguir adelante? Tenemos que asegurar que...
Reimagine America
It’s become a common sentiment that 2020 has been a disaster. What do we learn from it, and how do we move forward? We...
Inside: ‘Get Your Knee Off Our Necks’
“Sufferings and Struggles, Hopes and Prospects” reports on life-or-death threats people face. Nearly 14 million children in the United States went hungry in June,...
From the Editors: Beyond Devastation: New Ideas and the Way Forward
In times of great upheaval, all seems to be turmoil and often chaos. But history is not simply a never-ending circle where nothing changes...
Sufferings and Struggles, Hopes and Prospects
Sixty-two percent of Americans agree that the U.S. government’s handling of the Coronavirus crisis is going badly. No community is untouched by the devastating...
Something New is in Our Grasp
Millions of Americans and people worldwide are revolted by the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police and organizing and speaking out in...
Inside: An Epoch of Social Revolution
The events unfolding in the streets over police brutality and the COVID 19 crisis vividly express the crisis underway in the world. Its roots...
Louisiana: Land of Beauty and Crisis
Southern Louisiana, alongside the great Mississippi River, is where, from Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico, a vast delta widens out, coursed with...
What the uprising reveals about fascism and the military
Millions of us have made it clear that we don’t believe the American people become safer the more police there are. In fact, a...
Remembering Who We Are in the Heart of the Pandemic
“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with...
Something New Is in Our Grasp: Millions Worldwide Decry George Floyd Murder
Millions of Americans and people worldwide are revolted by the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police and organizing and speaking out in...
La pandemia: ¡El imperio no tiene ropa!
¿Por qué razón mientras la cantidad de personas desempleadas alcanzaban la cifra de 30 millones, la bolsa de valores iba en aumento? ¿Por qué...
Pandemic: The Empire Has No Clothes
Why is it that, when the numbers of unemployed were soaring past 30 million, the stock market went up? Why was it that, as...
Coronavirus Crisis: Human Worth is the Only Priority
We keep hearing that life won’t be the same, even after the worst is over. The picture painted of that future usually goes like...
Enough with the Excuses about Coronavirus: Solutions for a New Society
To hear the politicians and CEOs, you’d think that the only solution to the catastrophic situation today is setting the corporations freer to gouge...
May Day: The Cause of the Workers is the Hope of the World
In 1891, revolutionaries from various countries voted to celebrate May 1st as International Workers’ Day. The date honored the May 1, 1886, Chicago march...
Inside: We Cannot Stay Still
In the middle of an election year, Donald Trump has been impeached. And acquitted. The impeachment and trial constituted a battleground in which the...
From the Editors: Impeachment and Our Fight
Past impeachments show us that presidential impeachment is largely a struggle within the ruling class over the direction of the country, particularly in the...
Epochal Change Brings Forth New Leadership
The country is seeing the beginnings of new revolutionary forces developing, especially in recent years.
Alamance County in North Carolina, with a long history of...
New Year, New Class, New Vision
Though the dates vary from deep winter to mid spring (and in some African countries, fall), every part of the world celebrates the coming...
Children at Center of Chicago Teachers Strike
The last thing teachers want to do is not to be in the classroom with their students. The Chicago teachers and school support staff...
We Celebrate the Life of Comrade Bob Brown
We celebrate the life and contribution of comrade Bob Brown, who passed away on November 8, 2019. Bob was a fighter for his class,...
Inside: Rising Spirit of Unrest
The 2020 election process reflects how much the peoples of the world face common problems. Young people expressed this truth by organizing global events...
Fighting for Our Lives in the 2020 Elections
The future of humanity and the survival of the planet depend on what we do. A movement to impeach the President has arisen, and...
Revolutionary Politics in the Era of Dying Capitalism
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not...
Fighting for Our Lives in the 2020 Elections
The future of humanity and the survival of the planet depend on what we do. A massive movement to impeach the President has arisen,...
Inside: A Cooperative Society is the Only Solution to the Demands of Our Class
In this issue of Rally, Comrades! we address the growing movement for basic needs and also how it’s being expressed in the electoral arena. The different...
Outlaw Corporate Landlords and Make Housing Free
A national epidemic of evictions, homelessness, and housing insecurity is spreading to every region of the country. Its scale can no longer be dismissed...
From the Editors: Change in Thinking is Key to Our Future
Millions of people are starting to engage in an effort to reform our society. Success depends on understanding under what conditions reform can be...
Citizens United and the Future of Democracy
The 2010 U.S. Supreme Court Citizens United decision marked a turning point in the fascist merger of corporations and the State. It also marked...
The Meaning of Venezuela
The U.S. and world ruling class have their hands full with Venezuela. Venezuela is by no means a weak nation, isolated from the world....
Strategy and the Political Center of Gravity Today
To focus on everything is to focus on nothing. The function of strategy is to determine the direction of delivering the main blow towards...
Take Up the Vision of a New America!
A group of scientists will be giving United Nations’ leaders a New Year’s gift that some may want to give back. Investigative journalist Nafeez...
Inside: Every Beginning Means Something is Ending
In a New Year’s resolution, “a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their...
From the Editors: Ten Years After the Financial Meltdown
Recently much is being written about the ten-year anniversary of the financial meltdown, commonly referred to as the Great Recession of 2007-2009. Most of...
Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, 2018
Editors Note: In this issue of Rally, Comrades! we are publishing the Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, adopted by...
Nationalization: Meeting the Demands for Life
Millions of people have taken to the streets in the U.S. in response to their growing poverty and to end the growing violence. Due...
Illuminating the Path to a New America
Editors Note: In this issue of Rally, Comrades! we are publishing the Political Resolution of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, adopted...
Inside: R – E – S – P – E – C – T
The soulful song of Aretha never rang truer than today. The American people just want to be able to contribute, provide for their families...
Revolutionary Work in 21st Century Elections
The United States and the entire world are in an epoch of social revolution. The worldwide transition from industrial production based on human labor...
Inside: Demands of the New Class at the Forefront of the Electoral Struggle
In this, our July/August issue, we look to the growing movement that is sweeping the country. This movement is not simply opposing, defending, or...
From the Editors: Reverend Edward Pinkney is Free!
A major victory has been achieved in the protracted battle in Benton Harbor, Michigan, against corporate dictatorship and for a government and society that...
Women Leading the FIght in the Interests of All Society
Women are leaders in today’s most active motions for a new society. They are fighting for health care, housing, water, the earth, better wages, quality...
Electoral Politics: Key Arena for Rising Movement
Millions of Americans are becoming politically active. As the economic crisis deepens, more and more families are unable to put food on their table...
How Can We Make A Difference?
In Sacramento, California, thousands rallied in protest against the police killing of an unarmed young black man, Stephon Clark. In Washington, D.C., teenage survivors...
Inside: A Higher Purpose, a Transformative Vision
Tens of thousands of teachers in antiunion “right-to-work” states are walking out on strike, demanding living wages and affordable healthcare from state governments. Millions...
Youth Take the Lead Against Violence in America
The massacre that occurred February 14 at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida has unleashed a youth-led national movement against violence across...
Revolution and the Tasks of Revolutionaries
What is revolution? There are various conceptions of how revolution comes about. One is that revolution comes about because people believe in or want...
Teachers’ Uprising – A Fight for Everyone’s Future
The teachers’ uprising sweeping the country is a fight for the future, not only for our children, but for the well being of all...
The LRNA: Giving Voice to the Vision of a New World
The process of change is difficult and complex. In a world whose history is of revolutions, today’s revolution is unique and qualitative. It is...
Battling Old Ideas with the New
While making a new world possible, the electronic revolution is rapidly eliminating the value of labor and destroying the basis for the capitalist system....
We Have a New World to Win
“Imagine all the people
sharing all the world”
“Imagine” by John Lennon, 1971
Imagine a world where all of humankind is free from want. Imagine a world...
Inside: Humanity Faces Two Paths
The corporate State and the system of private property stand in the way of humanity’s creating an economic system that conforms to the new...
Can People Change Their Thinking?
We began the New Year 2017 with a question: “What Time Is It?” We answered that question by showing how we are in a...