Voice of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America

Uniting struggles for human needs and the planet with a vision of revolutionary change!

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Housing / Homeless

Wildfire Recovery Inspired by Tradition of Struggles

Tradition of Struggle Inspires L.A. Wildfire Recovery Among survivors of the January 7 Eaton Fire an idea has taken hold which can grow to challenge...

Stop Prop 36, the new prison-industrial scam

The fight against Prop 36 is gathering strength. Recently, grassroots organizations across the state came together, from Humboldt County down to San Diego, to get out the vote against Prop 36 and let the public know of the danger.

The meaning of the Harris housing plan

Some of the cruelest and most painful attacks on the working class are happening on the housing front. As Will Suphon of Tucson, Arizona explained, “The housing market, the job market, the price of food ... it’s all become rather insane and so many people are being thrown to the wayside. You can do everything right and still end up living in your car.”

Fighting for basic needs in the fall campaign

Something is happening here. What is the significance of the rise of the Kamala Harris campaign? For the workers, it is a dramatic opportunity not only to resist fascism, but to advance the movements for the basic necessities they need to survive.

Defeat the Newsom attack: Housing is a human right

On July 25, California governor Gavin Newsom declared war on unhoused people statewide. First, he ordered encampments removed from state land, with no regard for whether displaced people have somewhere else to go. Then on August 9, he doubled down and threatened to cut housing funding to any city or county that failed to sweep away its unhoused people.

Energy profits plunder Puerto Rican society, ecosystem

Last June 13, residents from Puerto Rico’s coastal town Salinas staged a righteously angry and spirited protest in the courtyard of the most luxurious apartment complex in San Juan’s main urban center. Its principal owner is Nicholas Prouty, a key figure in the damning roster of real estate and finance investors currently feeding off Puerto Rico’s energy and economic crisis, which they caused.

Waking up and shaking up local elections in 2024

Oakland, California has become a critical battleground in the escalating war between the working people of America, including millions of people of color, and a corporate billionaire class that is aggressively dedicated to maximizing its profits.


Wealthy West Coast real estate speculators and their supporters in state and local governments are stepping up their attacks on poor and unhoused people in our communities.

Unforgivable Losses: Opioid deaths and the war on drugs

Skid Row in Los Angeles has historically been an epicenter of state violence and abandonment. Whether policing “quality of life crimes” with Safer Cities Initiative or trashing lifesaving possessions in sweeps, it is a proving ground for new tactics of violence that are then exported around the country and the world.

Gaza war machine ‘made in USA’

The United States could stop the ongoing Gaza massacre of Palestinians by the Zionist government calling itself “Israel” in 24 hours, but it refuses to do so, even though the majority of Americans demand this.

Wood Street Commons: Lessons from the front lines

Wood Street Commons organized a self-sustaining community to solve Oakland’s disgraceful homelessness problem. Local officials and police treated its revolutionary vision of a cooperative society as a threat to the system.

Fighting for human needs in the 2024 elections 

The deteriorating economic situation for millions of Americans is generating both a rising tide of people fighting for their basic needs and a ruling-class turn toward fascist solutions to crush the resistance.

Criminalizing the poor and homeless of Los Angeles

California has a sordid history of criminalizing poor and homeless people with laws against sitting, lying, or sleeping/camping that date back to the 1870s. Just after the abolition of slavery in 1865, Penal Code 647e declared that “No person shall sit, lie, camp on public or private property without the owner’s permission.”

Stop Cop City: a Climate Catalyst 

Cop City is the name people have given to the proposed largest police training facility/mock city in the United States, in Atlanta, Georgia. To build it, the police foundation and their corporate donors will have to destroy 85 acres of the largest urban green space in the country, in a Black working-class neighborhood.

Chicago 2023: New politics arising

Revolutionaries using the electoral arena to advance the battle for basic needs have entered a new era in Chicago. On April 4, 2023 voters...

Housing is the answer to homelessness

All across America, brutal encampment sweeps are tossing tents, blankets, and other belongings into trash compactors, and dispersing people into atmospheric rivers – or...

Chicago 2023: This election is different

Chicago is undergoing an historic election for mayor, city council and the newly formed Police District Councils (PDCs). Nine candidates vied for the mayor’s...

The UC strike – A new generation rising in the labor movement

By the National Public Education Committee of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America In November, 48,000 academic workers – graduate students and post-docs...

A Better World’s in Birth

Currently in Los Angeles, California the ruling class is expanding the use of police to enforce Los Angeles municipal code 41.18. This code mandates...

A Better World’s in Birth

Currently in Los Angeles, California the ruling class is expanding the use of police to enforce Los Angeles municipal code 41.18. This code mandates...

When We Fight, We Win – Progressive Surge Rocks Los Angeles Establishment

The following article was written by the Basic Needs Electoral Committee of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America. Thirty years after the Rodney...

We Demand a New Birth of Freedom in 2022

The 2020 U.S. elections were the most important since the Civil War and Reconstruction era, and the elections in 2022 promise to be even...

Repression against the Homeless Is an Attack on All

All over the country, the repression against unhoused people is being amped up. Instead of putting resources into housing people, monies people vote for...

Revolutionary Transformation Today: Excerpts from the Political Resolution of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America

The global ruling class that controls the tools and technologies of society has pushed humanity and Nature to the brink. For over a decade now, and in...

What to the Working Class Is the Fourth of July?

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July?” asked abolitionist Frederick Douglass in 1852, in what has been described as one of...

We celebrate the life of Al Gladyck

Rally, Comrades!, the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, and the League’s Healthcare committee (where he focused most of his recent work) join...

Inside:  Future is Ours to Win

“None of us really anticipated Omicron,” Stanford epidemiologist Dr. Yvonne Maldonado told CNN in a late January overview of current discussion among experts. She...

End Homelessness, End Corporate Control of Housing

The housing movement in the United States is held back by real internal divisions that are manipulated by the real estate industry to thwart,...

From the Editors: The Unity of Our Class and the Fight for Home

The difficulties of counting the homeless are well documented, but it is more than that which keeps us from gaining a clear picture of...

From Illusions to Possibilities in 2022

After nine months of a pandemic that saw more than 70 million Americans go without work, and after mass unrest over the police murder...

Inside: Speculation Promotes Inequality in Housing, Society

In November, The Guardian ran a feature on Fresno, California — a portrait relevant to what’s happening all across America. “How One of California’s...

A Vision of Unity and a Future for All

With the remarkable development of human knowledge, it seems impossible that so many could die from Covid-19. The U.S. is edging toward 800,000 deaths...

Una visión de unidad y un futuro para todos

Con el asombroso desarrollo del conocimiento humano, parece imposible que tantos mueran por Covid-19.  En EE.UU. para principios de febrero más de 900,000 personas...

The Facebook Controversy and the Fight for a New Society

To fight a pandemic, we must reach everyone in this tightly knit global economy with the best medicines, treatments, and strategies. Before even those...

2022 Elections Pit Corporate Profit vs People’s Needs

America stands on the precipice of fascism, and whether it falls is up to us. The “slow-moving coup” unfolding since the failed insurrection of...

Secure Our Health and Safety, not Corporate Interests

Disgust with the Trump Administration’s feeble defense of American lives during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in many of the votes for Joe Biden last...

The Eviction Moratorium Battle

The seesaw, eighteen-month campaign over the eviction moratorium has starkly exposed the conflict between human rights and the power of corporate property in American...

Defending Democracy

Summer wildfires and hurricanes, new pandemic variants, and the grisly fascist offensive have cast a cloud of doom over American society. These are signs...

Understanding New Forms of Fascism in America

Change is upon us, and it can’t be managed by reforming one or another aspect of the atrocities we are experiencing. Many American people, especially...

Pandemic Recovery Requires Shift in Consciousness

The betrayal of the poor couldn’t be more obvious. The U.S. ruling class has sacrificed more than 750,000 Americans, paying lip service to “essential...

Jack Hirschman, Poet and Revolutionary, 1933–2021

The world and the movement for social transformation have suffered the loss of one of our great lights and souls with the passing, at...

End the Scourge of Homelessness: Abolish Evictions

“Shelter, stability, and storage are what the homeless are looking for … And they will continue to develop in nooks everywhere. The city is...

Inside: Unity and the Struggle to Reconstruct Society

The articles in this issue examine crises in housing, COVID-19, public education, science, democracy, and the basic survival of humanity and nature. As the political...

From the Editors: Pandemic: Homelessness Increased Instead of Housing

From the beginning of the pandemic, our class has fought to stop evictions, find safe housing for those without and provide basic needs for...

La pandemia: Un aumento de la indigencia en lugar de más viviendas

Desde el principio de la pandemia, nuestra clase ha luchado por detener los desalojos, encontrar viviendas seguras para aquellos que no las tienen y...

Pandemic: Homelessness Increased Instead of Housing

From the beginning of the pandemic, our class has fought to stop evictions, find safe housing for those without and provide basic needs for...

End the Scourge of Homelessness by Abolishing Evictions

“Shelter, stability, and storage are what the homeless are looking for… And they will continue to develop in nooks everywhere. The city is wasting...

Demanding a Government that Meets Human Needs

The accelerating social revolution is forcing workers to enter the political arena, not only for their survival but also to defend the democracy they...

Our Imagination has Been Triggered (by this Pandemic)

Over 600,000 Americans died, and over 33 million were infected with COVID-19, much of which could have been prevented. Some are still getting sick....

Capitalism Can’t Keep Us Safe from Coronavirus

We can all appreciate that vaccines will slow the number of new COVID-19 infections and deaths without ignoring the 14,000 Americans still getting sick...

Women in the Forefront of Revolutionary Struggles

As the people continue to face the coronavirus pandemic, women are disproportionately represented among essential workers. Women of color are disproportionately represented within these...

COVID-19 Catastrophe: Our Class versus the Corporate State

The new year begins with reflections on the hard lessons of 2020. Countries such as China, South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, and Vietnam, which...

Blaming Us for What They Do: The Truth of the Pandemic

By November 2020, COVID-19 had become the leading cause of death in America, despite being unknown just one year ago. With only four percent...

New Year Calls for New Thinking

January was named for Janus, the Roman god who always turned one of his faces toward the past and the other one toward the...

Inside: Embracing Transformation for the Future

In the waning days of 2020, Sarah Palin, a demagogue of the ruling class, came to Georgia to speak at a rally on behalf...

Sweet Home Chicago?

Lincoln Park is a wealthy neighborhood in Chicago. It borders Lake Michigan and has become an extension of the Gold Coast. Looking around at...

Fight for a New Vision of what American Can Be

Corporations Make Billions off Pandemic It didn’t have to be this way. The world’s largest economy rivaled only by China, the United States put private...

Inside: Beyond Survival to Human Liberation

This year we got a concentrated dose of what has long ailed our country — historical systematic racism, anti-government militias bent on violence against...

From Fighting Eviction to Cancelling Rent

Thirty to forty million Americans are at risk of pandemic-related eviction as the various state, and local restrictions expire this fall, according to the...

Battle of Ideas: Who Is To Blame for Pandemic?

Today’s Americans follow the news of coronavirus infections and deaths like other generations followed casualty reports during world wars, and the coronavirus pandemic actually...

Why Don’t They Care if We Die from COVID-19?

It seems clear that those with the power to ensure public health do not care if most of us live or die. Election week,...

¿Por qué no les importa si morimos de COVID-19?

Está claro que a los que pueden asegurar la salud pública no les importa un comino si la mayor parte de nosotros vivimos o...

La pandemia y los desastres forman parte de la guerra de clases

La pandemia ha matado a más de 200,000 estadounidenses y 1 millón de personas en todo el mundo, sin embargo, nuestro gobierno continúa asegurando...

Pandemic and Disasters Part of Class War

The pandemic has killed over 200,000 Americans and 1 million people worldwide, yet our government continues to ensure the survival of giant corporations more...

From Fighting Eviction to Cancelling the Rent

Thirty to forty million Americans are at risk of pandemic-related eviction as the various state, and local restrictions expire this fall, according to the...

Imaginando un nuevo Estados Unidos

Ya es común pensar que el 2020 ha sido un desastre.  ¿Qué nos ha enseñado, y cómo debemos seguir adelante?  Tenemos que asegurar que...

Reimagine America

It’s become a common sentiment that 2020 has been a disaster. What do we learn from it, and how do we move forward? We...

Sufferings and Struggles, Hopes and Prospects

Sixty-two percent of Americans agree that the U.S. government’s handling of the Coronavirus crisis is going badly. No community is untouched by the devastating...

Something New is in Our Grasp

Millions of Americans and people worldwide are revolted by the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police and organizing and speaking out in...

COVID-19 Generates Housing Takeovers and Rent Strikes

The coronavirus crisis has shifted the debate about housing and homelessness in America overnight. In February bipartisan plans to force homeless people into mass...

Remembering Who We Are in the Heart of the Pandemic

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with...

Something New Is in Our Grasp: Millions Worldwide Decry George Floyd Murder

Millions of Americans and people worldwide are revolted by the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police and organizing and speaking out in...

Immigration Struggle in Texas

The Texas-México border has once again become strategically key to the struggle of dispossessed workers on both sides of the border, over 150 years...

Women’s Homelessness is a Crisis of Civilization

Note from editors: In 1910, an international conference of socialist women declared March 8th as International Working Women’s Day, in honor of the struggles of...

Elections 2020: Opening the Door to Political Revolution

The 2020 elections are offering voters their starkest choice in decades: Double down on the fascist future of misery and concentration camps promised by...

Epochal Change Brings Forth New Leadership

The country is seeing the beginnings of new revolutionary forces developing, especially in recent years. Alamance County in North Carolina, with a long history of...

School Privatization and America’s Housing Crisis

“Education is a human right!,” say students, teachers and parents around the country. They believe all children and adults should have access to free,...

Inside: Partial Measures Will Not Do

During the Democratic presidential debates for the 2020 elections, many of the candidates spoke about the skyrocketing housing costs, resulting in a glaring increase...

Inside: A Cooperative Society is the Only Solution to the Demands of Our Class

In this issue of Rally, Comrades! we address the growing movement for basic needs and also how it’s being expressed in the electoral arena. The different...

Housing Policies Create More Homeless in California

When the most devastating wild fire in California’s history tore through Paradise and other mountain towns in northern California last fall, thousands of residents...

Outlaw Corporate Landlords and Make Housing Free

A national epidemic of evictions, homelessness, and housing insecurity is spreading to every region of the country. Its scale can no longer be dismissed...

From the Editors: A Practical Solution to Homelessness in America

There is an abundance of housing in America. Millions are homeless in America. California is the breadbasket of the world; it produces enough food to...

Illuminating the Path to a New America

Editors Note: In this issue of Rally, Comrades! we are publishing the Political Resolution of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, adopted...

Inside: R – E – S – P – E – C – T

The soulful song of Aretha never rang truer than today. The American people just want to be able to contribute, provide for their families...

Winning the War to House Our People

In February 2018, US District Judge David O. Carter triggered a political crisis in Orange County, California. He ordered local officials to stop sweeping...

Inside: Blowing in the Wind

A storm is coming. We can track its approach, but even as we are caught up in its vortex, there is no amount of...

Homelessness: Sign of a Broken System

The past two years have revealed a shocking rise in homelessness in virtually every corner of the nation. Los Angeles County homelessness rose 23%...

Unity of Our Class: Indispensable Step for the Liberation of Humanity

Something new is arising and growing by the day in America. Based in the objective development of new technologies at the core of the...

Next Steps in the Fight for Housing as a Human Right

For almost two centuries during the period of the growth of industrial capitalism, workers frequently faced housing shortages, because working class housing was generally...

Inside: Strategy, Vision and the Way Forward

The election and actions of Donald Trump have given rise to a broad debate about the future of our country. The millions who are...

New Class Demands Distribution According to Need

The introduction of labor-replacing technology is giving rise to a whole new class of workers, rendered superfluous to a system which no longer needs...

Hold Government Accountable to End Homelessness

Homelessness in America is the clearest sign that a new class of workers has been created as a result of their displacement by automated...

Homelessness: Front Line in the Fight for Class Unity

The destruction of the capitalist economy is eliminating the economic and social privileges historically extended to a large section of the American working class....

Inside: We Have Been Naught We Shall Be All

Come, I will make the continent indissoluble, I will make the most splendid race the sun ever shone upon, I will make divine magnetic lands, With the...

Inside: Abolish Private Property – Build a New Society

Homelessness – being without a home, without shelter – is not simply a temporary hard time, or a symptom of individual failing. It is...

Winning a World Without Homelessness

The current battle over the future of the historic Community for Creative Non-Violence (CCNV) shelter marks the end of an era. As every old...

Public Housing, Politics and the Need for New Strategies

At this time, some 5.4 million families living in HUD-subsidized housing are in grave danger. HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) currently...

In This Issue: Globalization and its Discontents

In May of this year tens of thousands of revolutionaries from across the country gathered in Chicago during the convening of the "Group of...

Public Banks and Class Politics

The 2008 world financial meltdown and Wall Street bank bailouts have put the nationalization of banks back on the political agenda in America for...

Consciousness of Class Interests Decisive to U.S. Budget Battles

The maturing global economic crisis is intensifying, now measured by its increasingly destructive impact on the budgets of U.S. states and local governments. The...
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