Voice of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America

Uniting struggles for human needs and the planet with a vision of revolutionary change!

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Immigration / Migration

Project 2025: Scapegoating immigrants

Immigration, asylees, and the border wall are front and center in the national spotlight. With cries of an “invasion by criminals, murderers and rapists” from “sh*t hole countries,” former president Trump is using immigration as a political football to score points with his political base and as a battering ram to drive his Democratic opponents further to the right.

Fighting for basic needs in the fall campaign

Something is happening here. What is the significance of the rise of the Kamala Harris campaign? For the workers, it is a dramatic opportunity not only to resist fascism, but to advance the movements for the basic necessities they need to survive.

Migrants suffering capitalist chaos

In the United States and Western Hemisphere, we are seeing a global movement of people leaving their homes behind to find life-threatening hardships on their journeys, sometimes crossing up to 14 countries and their borders to get to the U.S.-Mexico border.

Migration faces winds of change with resistance

The militarization of the U.S.-México border zone has expanded during the administrations of Bush, Obama, Trump and now Biden. The Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) are organizations under the Department of Homeland Security, for which DHS Chief Information Officer Eric Hysen commented that his agency had the “largest budget ever enacted,” jumping to $29.8 billion, a $3 billion increase from 2022.

Latinas/Latinos and the midterm elections of 2022

The midterm elections of November 2022 are over, and the anticipated “Red Wave” tsunami of wins by Republicans over Democrats in the U.S. Congress...

Latinas/Latinos and the midterm elections of 2022

The midterm elections of November 2022 are over, and the anticipated “Red Wave” tsunami of wins by Republicans over Democrats in the U.S. Congress...

When We Fight, We Win – Progressive Surge Rocks Los Angeles Establishment

The following article was written by the Basic Needs Electoral Committee of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America. Thirty years after the Rodney...

From the Editors: Unity of the Class, Unity of the Americas

On January 28, 1948, 28 migrant farmworkers were killed in an airplane crash which inspired folk singer Woody Guthrie to write, “Deportee ,” a...

From the Editors: Displacement not Replacement

On the afternoon of May 14, an eighteen-year-old gunman tragically targeted and murdered ten African Americans and injured others at a grocery store in...

Inside: Seeing Through Ruling Class Interests

What is happening in Ukraine is terrible, and 4.5 million refugees from that country is an extraordinary number. But as we watch the ongoing...

The Facebook Controversy and the Fight for a New Society

To fight a pandemic, we must reach everyone in this tightly knit global economy with the best medicines, treatments, and strategies. Before even those...

Secure Our Health and Safety, not Corporate Interests

Disgust with the Trump Administration’s feeble defense of American lives during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in many of the votes for Joe Biden last...

Demanding a Government that Meets Human Needs

The accelerating social revolution is forcing workers to enter the political arena, not only for their survival but also to defend the democracy they...

Lessons from the Pandemic: Toward Complete Transformation of U.S. Health Care

Over a year ago, stunned and mask-less shoppers faced empty grocery shelves. The commercialization of human relationships and needs were called into question, as...

From the Editors: Opioid Crisis, an Addiction to Profit

“I think the answer is paying attention to people’s needs in the first place.” — Lisa Al-Hakim, Harm Reduction Alliance, Seattle, Washington. Several major lawsuits...

U.S.-Mexico Border is a Battlefield Over Fascism

Global migration has been on the rise, at this time estimated at 281 million people seeking safety and security, as well as basic survival....

Inside: Break from the Ruling Class, Chart Our Own Path

A year of violence against Asian Americans, blamed for the so-called “China flu,” culminated in increased bloodshed at the one-year anniversary of the pandemic....

We Can’t Have Human Health Without Environmental Health

The realities of personal and planetary health are bound together. Air and water pollution, fires and floods, current and potential pandemics, all of these...

Globalization and its Discontents

“All the world’s a stage.” These words of William Shakespeare have two meanings: first is the understanding that world history is the stage upon...

Inside: Beyond Survival to Human Liberation

This year we got a concentrated dose of what has long ailed our country — historical systematic racism, anti-government militias bent on violence against...

Immigrant Fighters Alert to Danger of Betrayal

Undocumented people are not able to vote, but they have built a movement that has changed laws, challenged politicians and presidents, and won in...

Battle of Ideas: Who Is To Blame for Pandemic?

Today’s Americans follow the news of coronavirus infections and deaths like other generations followed casualty reports during world wars, and the coronavirus pandemic actually...

Facing Sterilization and Inhumane Detention, Women Fight For a New Society

You see them first through the filmy resolution of the video posted on YouTube, about five or six women, with makeshift masks made of...

Enfrentando la esterilización y las detenciones inhumanas: Las mujeres luchan por una nueva sociedad

La primera vez que se les vio fue en un vídeo que se publicó en YouTube sobre una resolución diáfana y patente: unas cinco...

Imaginando un nuevo Estados Unidos

Ya es común pensar que el 2020 ha sido un desastre.  ¿Qué nos ha enseñado, y cómo debemos seguir adelante?  Tenemos que asegurar que...

Reimagine America

It’s become a common sentiment that 2020 has been a disaster. What do we learn from it, and how do we move forward? We...

Elections 2020: As the South Goes, so Goes the Nation

Both major political parties in the U.S. have had their own “Southern strategy.” It is the long-established formula for political power for the ruling...

Immigration Struggle in Texas

The Texas-México border has once again become strategically key to the struggle of dispossessed workers on both sides of the border, over 150 years...

Epochal Change Brings Forth New Leadership

The country is seeing the beginnings of new revolutionary forces developing, especially in recent years. Alamance County in North Carolina, with a long history of...

Fight Against Fascism, Fight for Immigrants

Our government’s vicious repression of migrants and the movement against it are both becoming more intense, making immigration a focal point of the 2020...

New Film on Common Roots of Problems

The most conscious leaders of the movement against immigrant repression understand that the government wants to keep the resistance confined within community and ethnic...

From the Editors: Cause and Solution

El Paso is a bellwether of the heightening crisis that is engulfing our society today. On August 3, an assassin armed with a weapon...

Demands for Basic Needs and the Electoral Process

Editors’ Note: The following is an abridged version of the March 2019 Political Report on the Midterm Elections, from the Central Committee of the...

The Wall Will Fall – The American People Don’t Separate Families

The struggle to unite Americans against the government’s attacks on immigrants and the separation of their families is growing. Recently a revolutionary, who is...

Inside: New Social Force Can Win a World of Abundance

As the ruling class attempts to impose fascism to maintain the system of private property that is the source of their power and wealth,...

We Face the Same Enemy

What has happened to the America millions believed in and fought for – the beacon of hope, democracy, and opportunity known around the world,...

The Rising Movement Today

The leap in the economy, from industrial production to electronic production, is forcing millions of workers out of jobs, destroying the standard of living...

Fight for the Children

Across the country, the American people have expressed their revulsion at the barbar- ic practice of tearing children from their parents’ at the border,...

Inside: A Revolutionary Patriotism

The robots are not coming. They are already here. The world as we have known it is being transformed by a revolutionary electronic technology...

From the Editors: The Immorality of Deporting America’s Dreamers

Eighty-seven percent of Americans support the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The DACA program protects nearly 800,000 young undocumented immigrants who were...

Unity of Our Class: Indispensable Step for the Liberation of Humanity

Something new is arising and growing by the day in America. Based in the objective development of new technologies at the core of the...

Inside: The Truth Shall Set Us Free

The truth that science uncovers for us is more than just the facts. It is about the underlying causes of history, especially these times...

From the Editors: Sanctuary – Forging Bonds of Class Kinship

“Her only wrongdoing is just being poor.”  – husband of Guadalupe Garcia de Royos, mother of two, arrested by ICE and deported to Mexico...

Organized Crime and the Mexican State

Editors’ note: The writer is a friend of the League in Mexico, who has written and published extensively on the subject of Mexican organized...

Globalization and Internationalism

The ever-extending globalization of the economy has created a new reality filled with problems and opportunities for those of us who are fighting for...

Demonized and Deported, Both Parties Blame Immigrants

“There are an estimated 232 million international migrants and 740 million internal migrants in the world.” — World Migration Report, 2015 Unprecedented numbers of unemployed...

Texas: Dispatches from the Front

The capitalists say that in 2016 everything is going to get better. Even with the crisis in oil production, they say everything will be...

On Syndicalism: An Interview with Nelson Peery

Editors Note: This interview was conducted by the League of Revolutionary Black Workers Media Project in July 2015. First of all, syndicalism was the foundation...

Women and the Fate of Society

There is a struggle breaking out, and women are on its front lines. This struggle is a response to extreme polarities of wealth and...

Mass Migration in the Age of Electronics

The rapid extension of automated production around the world is creating a new global class of proletarians with no possessions and no means of...

Inside: Epochal change requires struggle for political power

Politics is the struggle for political power. The increasing economic and social destruction and polarization in capitalist society today is the result of productive...

The Way Forward: Unite Our Class

Unite the Revolutionaries, Unite the Class In light of the outbreaks in various suburban areas and smaller cities around police violence, this report continues the...

Los Angeles Rebellions: Turning Points of Revolution

The Watts Rebellion in 1965 and the Los Angeles Rebellion of 1992 mark major advances in the revolutionary process, with repercussions throughout the United...

From the Editors: These Children are Our Children

There are aspects that are terribly old and frighteningly new concerning the most recent crisis along the Mexican American border. After years of ramping...

The New Class, a New Form of Racism, and the Police State

The American people are becoming more and more aware that jobs are not coming back. The first waves of mass layoffs and permanent layoffs...

From the Editors: Immigration: No One is Illegal

The issue of the undocumented immigrant today has to be seen in the context of globalization and capitalism in the age of electronics. The...

Inside: American Dream Betrayed

In 2008, President Obama ignited the compassionate soul of the American people who dared to hope and dream with him that he could bring...

Latino and Black Unity

One of the important outcomes of the presidential elections was the emergence of Black and Latino objective unity. This Black and Latino unity was...

Class Interest Drives the Politics of Healthcare for All

When Representative Joe Wilson shouted “you lie” in Congress in September 2009, referring to whether or not undocumented workers will get healthcare under the...

El movimiento antiimigrante y el fascismo

El fascismo de hoy es una respuesta política a la globalización - capitalismo en la era electrónica - y a la batalla de EE.UU....

The Anti-Immigration Movement and Fascism

Fascism today is a political response to globalization - capitalism in the age of electronics - and the U.S. battle to dominate the global...

In This Issue: Globalization and its Discontents

In May of this year tens of thousands of revolutionaries from across the country gathered in Chicago during the convening of the "Group of...

Consciousness of Society’s Ills Fuels U.S. Upsurges

Over the last couple of years, numerous objective factors have combined to effect a quantitative change in the struggle. These factors include the developing...
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