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Organization of Revolutionaries
Politicize the Tech Revolution by Building Class Unity
Technology like AI displaces workers into an “equality of poverty”, spurring solidarity that gets politicized by showing they are fighting an economic system that must be changed.
Beyond the Elections: The Political Revolution Continues
People need networks to secure their basic needs, paired with a revolutionary political program of economic rights for all.
Our Country and the World Stand at a Crossroads: Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America
Editor’s Note: In this issue of Rally!, we are publishing the Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America (LRNA), adopted by...
Inside: A New Program for a New America
Program of LRNA
In this issue, Rally! is publishing the new program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, adopted by delegates to...
End the Scourge of Homelessness: Abolish Evictions
“Shelter, stability, and storage are what the homeless are looking for … And they will continue to develop in nooks everywhere. The city is...
End the Scourge of Homelessness by Abolishing Evictions
“Shelter, stability, and storage are what the homeless are looking for… And they will continue to develop in nooks everywhere. The city is wasting...
New Year, New Class, New Vision
Though the dates vary from deep winter to mid spring (and in some African countries, fall), every part of the world celebrates the coming...
We Celebrate the Life of Comrade Bob Brown
We celebrate the life and contribution of comrade Bob Brown, who passed away on November 8, 2019. Bob was a fighter for his class,...
Revolutionary Politics in the Era of Dying Capitalism
“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not...
Inside: A Cooperative Society is the Only Solution to the Demands of Our Class
In this issue of Rally, Comrades! we address the growing movement for basic needs and also how it’s being expressed in the electoral arena. The different...
From the Editors: Change in Thinking is Key to Our Future
Millions of people are starting to engage in an effort to reform our society. Success depends on understanding under what conditions reform can be...
Citizens United and the Future of Democracy
The 2010 U.S. Supreme Court Citizens United decision marked a turning point in the fascist merger of corporations and the State. It also marked...
Strategy and the Political Center of Gravity Today
To focus on everything is to focus on nothing. The function of strategy is to determine the direction of delivering the main blow towards...
Take Up the Vision of a New America!
A group of scientists will be giving United Nations’ leaders a New Year’s gift that some may want to give back. Investigative journalist Nafeez...
Inside: Every Beginning Means Something is Ending
In a New Year’s resolution, “a person resolves to change an undesired trait or behavior, to accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their...
Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, 2018
Editors Note: In this issue of Rally, Comrades! we are publishing the Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, adopted by...
Crossing the Nodal Line
We look at events in the world as a process. The current quantitative stage of development simply can go no further, and transformation is...
Illuminating the Path to a New America
Editors Note: In this issue of Rally, Comrades! we are publishing the Political Resolution of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, adopted...
Inside: R – E – S – P – E – C – T
The soulful song of Aretha never rang truer than today. The American people just want to be able to contribute, provide for their families...
Electoral Politics: Key Arena for Rising Movement
Millions of Americans are becoming politically active. As the economic crisis deepens, more and more families are unable to put food on their table...
How Can We Make A Difference?
In Sacramento, California, thousands rallied in protest against the police killing of an unarmed young black man, Stephon Clark. In Washington, D.C., teenage survivors...
Inside: A Higher Purpose, a Transformative Vision
Tens of thousands of teachers in antiunion “right-to-work” states are walking out on strike, demanding living wages and affordable healthcare from state governments. Millions...
Revolution and the Tasks of Revolutionaries
What is revolution? There are various conceptions of how revolution comes about. One is that revolution comes about because people believe in or want...
The LRNA: Giving Voice to the Vision of a New World
The process of change is difficult and complex. In a world whose history is of revolutions, today’s revolution is unique and qualitative. It is...
Why We Subscribe to Rally, Comrades! — Readers Share Their Experiences
From Los Angeles, California: “Appreciation for the work that you all at Rally, Comrades! do to make it the finest revolutionary literature of its kind.”
Unity of Our Class: Indispensable Step for the Liberation of Humanity
Something new is arising and growing by the day in America. Based in the objective development of new technologies at the core of the...
Class Unity Decisive in Fight for New Society
As the workers awaken to the truth of their conditions, the necessity for unity is becoming a decisive factor in the struggle for a...
From the Editors: An Epoch of Social Revolution
Ours is a time of social upheaval, of a growing groundswell surging up from below, bent on both resisting and resolving the crisis of...
Inside: Build the World We All Want
Over fifty per cent of public school children live in poverty. Regardless of how much their parents work, many of these children are homeless,...
Inside: Finding Common Cause
The growing political polarization in America is being expressed in the elections. Increased dangers and growing opportunities are developing in the midst of the...
Which Way for the American Working Class?
In the 2016 elections, the idea of socialism has been embraced by many people. Recent polls report that 31% of Americans “react positively” to...
Elections 2016: Fight for Basic Needs is the Fight Against Fascism
The 2016 Presidential elections are unlike anything this country has seen in decades. The question on everyone’s mind is why, and for those dedicated...
Inside: Elections Unmask Crisis
America is in turmoil. If the electoral process underway does nothing else, it has unmasked a deep economic crisis, which is fast becoming a...
The American People are for Unity
Many different definitions of racism exist, which conform to different political and ideological ideas, or to points of view that certain people want to...
Texas: Dispatches from the Front
The capitalists say that in 2016 everything is going to get better. Even with the crisis in oil production, they say everything will be...
Inside: Our Right to What We Need
In the U.S. today, a growing movement is taking shape that is increasingly demanding that government agencies and elected officials take responsibility for the...
Take the Strategic Offensive
The dictionary defines strategy as “the art or science of the planning and conduct of a war,” and also as “a particular long-term plan...
Fascism, the U.S. Presidential Elections and the Tasks of Revolutionaries
The 2016 Presidential elections are unlike anything this country has seen in decades. The question on everyone’s mind is why, and for those dedicated...
Inside: History is on Our Side
The polls have been telling us for some time now that the American people do not believe that the country is headed in the...
Analysis of Forces: Indispensable to Revolutionary Strategy
In every quantitative stage of development the ruling class creates its own opposition that serves as a means of controlling the working class. The...
Inside: We Have Been Naught We Shall Be All
Come, I will make the continent indissoluble,
I will make the most splendid race the sun ever shone upon,
I will make divine magnetic lands,
With the...
Nelson Peery: American Revolutionary June 22, 1923-September 6, 2015
At particular moments, history creates possibilities for humanity to progress toward its liberation. But those possibilities can become reality only if masses of people...
Break with the Past, Prepare for the Future
Editors' Note: The following opening remarks, written by Nelson Peery, were prepared for a national LRNA meeting held in September 2015.
First of all,...
Estrategia, Misión, y el Camino Adelante
Para poder ser eficaces, las organizaciones revolucionarias deben tomar pausa para evaluar y examinar el ambiente y las condiciones en las que trabajan. A...
On Syndicalism: An Interview with Nelson Peery
Editors Note: This interview was conducted by the League of Revolutionary Black Workers Media Project in July 2015.
First of all, syndicalism was the foundation...
Inside: Epochal change requires struggle for political power
Politics is the struggle for political power. The increasing economic and social destruction and polarization in capitalist society today is the result of productive...
A Communist Class Needs a Communist Party
All of society is entering the most profound transformation in history. This transformation will forever separate humanity from the predatory natural laws of the...
The Way Forward: Unite Our Class
Unite the Revolutionaries, Unite the Class
In light of the outbreaks in various suburban areas and smaller cities around police violence, this report continues the...
Inside: Seize This Historic Moment
The articles in this issue concentrate on the need for revolutionaries to provide political clarity in this historical moment. Rapidly changing conditions are forcing...
General Gordon Baker Jr.: Evolution of a Revolutionary
Editors' Note: The first part of this article was published in the September/October 2014 issue of Rally, Comrades!
Born September 6, 1941, General G. Baker...
The Fight Against Police Violence is a Fight for a New Society
Hundreds of thousands of Americans are taking to the streets demanding an end to the rising murderous militarized police state. One of the demonstrators’...
New Stage of the Movement, Build an Organization of Revolutionaries
One out of five children in America are at risk of hunger while 442 billionaires wallow in obscene wealth. People are in desperate need...
Los Angeles Rebellions: Turning Points of Revolution
The Watts Rebellion in 1965 and the Los Angeles Rebellion of 1992 mark major advances in the revolutionary process, with repercussions throughout the United...
Talking Communism: Rally Comrades! Annual Subscription Drive
The Rally Comrades! annual subscription drive begins this month on November 15 and runs through December 15. If you are already a subscriber, renew...
On Strategy
What is the League’s strategy? In general, the League's strategy is to rely on the spontaneous movement, which is the objective movement of the...
Inside: The Future is Up to Us
Unconsciously or consciously, in small or big ways, history is the record of human activity. We make our own history. Not in just any...
Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America
The United States of America — indeed the entire world — is in the throes of epochal economic revolution. Transformation from electro-mechanical industry requiring...
Political Resolution: League of Revolutionaries for a New America, 2014
We are living in rapidly changing, dangerous times. Instead of wringing our hands and stumbling along behind events, we in the League have...
General G. Baker, Jr. September 6, 1941 – May 18, 2014
"We have seen the few become the many. So don't be dismayed that there aren't a lot of people here right now. They're coming....
Reconstruct Society on a New Basis
A recent survey by the Brookings Institution found 42% of the American people believe that capitalism is either “not working too well” or “not...
A World to Win
Any approach to planning, whether it is a corporation, a military unit or an organization, has to start off with an estimate of the...
Inside: New Conditions Call for New Forms of Organization
With the foundation of their wealth and power crumbling before their eyes, the capitalist class finds itself historically on the defensive. They have conquered...
The Culture of Fascism and the Role of History
Fascism was imposed in Italy and Germany, but it is arising objectively, and stage by stage, in America. First comes the qualitative or objective...
Edging Toward a New Stage of Consciousness
The sole role of revolutionaries is propaganda – the raising of the political consciousness of the working class. Revolutionaries shape propaganda using a scientific...
No Victory Without New Ideas
The escalating destruction and polarization of our society is generating a heightened level of spontaneous resistance. Mass social struggles in Wisconsin, Michigan, in immigrant...
Inside: Rising Discontent Demands a New World
For the first time ever, for over two weeks the U.S. government was shut down. As the political crisis played out, federal employees were...
The Changing Situation and the Tasks of Revolutionaries
We are living in rapidly changing, dangerous times. Polarization of all kinds is expressing itself. The world is slowly slipping into two camps. For...
Why the League of Revolutionaries for a New America?
The League of Revolutionaries for a New America is an organization of revolutionaries that describes the current state of human society as entering an...
Carpe Diem
On behalf of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, the Editorial Board of Rally, Comrades! commemorates the life and revolutionary contribution of...
Strategy, Mission and the Way Forward
In order to be effective, revolutionary organizations must constantly step back, assess and examine the environment and conditions within which they work. From this...
Solving the Riddle of History
The introduction of labor-replacing technology is destroying value, polarizing society and giving rise to the formation of a new class of workers — the...
What is the Goal, the Strategy and the Mission of the LRNA?
Revolutionary organizations are created to solve the principal problem of a specific quantitative stage of history. Today that problem is that the masses are...
In This Issue: Globalization and its Discontents
In May of this year tens of thousands of revolutionaries from across the country gathered in Chicago during the convening of the "Group of...
Organization Determines Everything
A world economic revolution has made world political revolution inevitable. The question is: What kind of revolution will it be? Organizations are created to...
The Meaning of Trayvon Martin
In any assessment it is critical to examine the underlying process that gives rise to certain events, taking history into account. Any fascist movement...
Dig Deep into the Struggle, Spread Vision of a New Society
This historical moment is producing tens of thousands of revolutionaries. They are people from all walks of life who have a growing understanding that...
Editorial: “All Goes Onward and Outward”*
Sometimes it is difficult to see our way through. Everything appears to be chaotic, chronically unexplainable, our lives thrown about like a
child’s toy. From...
On History’s Shoulders
Comrades, this meeting marks some 43 years of struggle for a revolutionary party that would be a continuation of the best in American history...
Seizing the Future : LRNA Holds 7th National Convention
Comrades and Friends,
We stand here today celebrating the success of the seventh Convention of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America. Eighteen years...
This Moment Calls for an Organization of Revolutionary Propagandists
It is a challenge to build a serious revolutionary organization during an epoch of social revolution. As the League of Revolutionaries for a New...
LRNA Draft Political Resolution
We are living in revolutionary times. Ideas and institutions, ripped from their social foundations, are not yet rooted in something new. There is a...
The Draft Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America
The United States of America — indeed the entire world — is in the throes of epochal economic revolution. Transformation from electro-mechanical industry requiring...