Voice of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America

Uniting struggles for human needs and the planet with a vision of revolutionary change!

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Wildfire Recovery Inspired by Tradition of Struggles

Tradition of Struggle Inspires L.A. Wildfire Recovery Among survivors of the January 7 Eaton Fire an idea has taken hold which can grow to challenge...

United Class Struggle will Determine Our Future

Open class struggle is emerging in U.S. politics for the first time since the Great Depression. Based in the struggle for common needs, revolutionaries can develop fighters’ class consciousness.

Defeat Project 2025, demand government meets basic needs

Project 2025 is a 920-page blueprint for the dictatorship that corporations openly plan to impose if they can get a “conservative president” elected or installed this November. It unquestionably represents the most immediate and dangerous tendency in the overall fascist offensive and must be defeated.


In 1964, Fannie Lou Hamer called on the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City to recognize delegates of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. This is her testimony about that state's fascist vote suppression and police brutality.

Encampments a flashpoint in defense of Gaza

Across our country, university encampments protesting the Israeli Zionist genocide in Gaza have been attacked by administrators, police and even armed fascist gangs.

‘In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians’

This common protest chant embraces a profound reality that we live in dire times when all of us must, in some sense, struggle for our collective survival, existence and liberation alongside the people of Palestine.

Juneteenth: Celebration and continued struggle

Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, halfway through the Civil War. The war had been fought to determine which form of capitalist rule would prevail over the country, one founded on slave labor or one based on wage labor.

Reproductive freedom or fascism – fighting for women’s lives

A series of decisions by rogue courts and legislatures has forced reproductive freedom to the center of the 2024 elections, right there with migrant rights, genocide in Palestine, the planet, the economy, and the future of democracy.

2024: The war for democracy

Turnout in the 2024 elections will be decisive for at least temporarily stopping American fascists from destroying the little democracy we still have left. Would-be corporate dictators are organized, well-funded, and have plans to seize power at every level, from cities and towns to the federal government.

Poor People’s Campaign brings demands of 140 million Americans to the statehouses

At noon local time Saturday, March 2 in at least 30 state capitals,the Poor People’s Campaign, A National Call for a Moral Revival will hold Mass Poor People’s and Low Wage Workers State House Assemblies and to-the-Polls rallies.

Unforgivable Losses: Opioid deaths and the war on drugs

Skid Row in Los Angeles has historically been an epicenter of state violence and abandonment. Whether policing “quality of life crimes” with Safer Cities Initiative or trashing lifesaving possessions in sweeps, it is a proving ground for new tactics of violence that are then exported around the country and the world.

Gaza war machine ‘made in USA’

The United States could stop the ongoing Gaza massacre of Palestinians by the Zionist government calling itself “Israel” in 24 hours, but it refuses to do so, even though the majority of Americans demand this.

Reproductive rights: Democracy warriors on the march

Tyranny of the minority, the ruling class strategy that enslaved and impoverished millions of people deemed fit only to serve the powerful, is once again waging an all-out war on women.

Classes Fight Over Puerto Rico’s Beaches

When a company illegally privatized a public beach, Puerto Rican workers demolished it themselves. They protected their “Commons” against capitalists there and from the U.S. mainland.

Criminalizing the poor and homeless of Los Angeles

California has a sordid history of criminalizing poor and homeless people with laws against sitting, lying, or sleeping/camping that date back to the 1870s. Just after the abolition of slavery in 1865, Penal Code 647e declared that “No person shall sit, lie, camp on public or private property without the owner’s permission.”

Stop Cop City: a Climate Catalyst 

Cop City is the name people have given to the proposed largest police training facility/mock city in the United States, in Atlanta, Georgia. To build it, the police foundation and their corporate donors will have to destroy 85 acres of the largest urban green space in the country, in a Black working-class neighborhood.

Juneteenth 2023: Where Woke refuses to die!

The most reactionary ruling class forces in the United States have launched a massive attack on the reality of the Black experience in America. Black history is American history -- and the denial and falsification of Black history is the denial and falsification of the history of America and the reality of America’s multiracial working class.

Public schools next school year: A world to win

The old school year ended this spring, centered once again on school shootings. In response to public demands to control assault rifles, many state governments have turned instead to controlling the free speech of teachers, LGBTQ people, African Americans and all marginalized groups.

To end police terror, we need to end capitalism

Tyre Nichols is another victim of the relentless assault of the police on human dignity and life. Nichols’ brutal murder in January brought the movement...

Reconstruction era lessons for fighting fascism

This is not the time to become complacent about our democratic rights to protest and to vote. Although some fascist politicians were defeated in...

A Better World’s in Birth

Currently in Los Angeles, California the ruling class is expanding the use of police to enforce Los Angeles municipal code 41.18. This code mandates...

A Better World’s in Birth

Currently in Los Angeles, California the ruling class is expanding the use of police to enforce Los Angeles municipal code 41.18. This code mandates...

Reconstruction era lessons for fighting fascism

This is not the time to become complacent about our democratic rights to protest and to vote. Although some fascist politicians were defeated in...

Shooting the Messenger

The public’s health is under attack in America like never before. We have lost well over a million Americans despite being the wealthiest country...

LA’s Workers Reject Pitting Black vs. Brown

The outside billionaires’ attempt to take over the Los Angeles Unified School District board shows once again that they care only about capitalist investment...

Revolutionary Transformation Today: Excerpts from the Political Resolution of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America

The global ruling class that controls the tools and technologies of society has pushed humanity and Nature to the brink. For over a decade now, and in...

From the Editors: Displacement not Replacement

On the afternoon of May 14, an eighteen-year-old gunman tragically targeted and murdered ten African Americans and injured others at a grocery store in...

What to the Working Class Is the Fourth of July?

“What to the American slave is your Fourth of July?” asked abolitionist Frederick Douglass in 1852, in what has been described as one of...

Our Deaths Are Part of Their Plan

Americans will die sooner than expected, because of a dangerous virus and a lethal social system. America’s average life expectancy fell in 2021, for...

Reproductive Justice in the Age of Fascist Advance

In 1857 the Supreme Court decided the infamous case of Dred Scott v. Sandford, ruling that Dred Scott, an enslaved man who had lived...

Reproductive Justice in the Age of Fascist Advance

In 1857 the Supreme Court decided the infamous case of Dred Scott v. Sandford, ruling that Dred Scott, an enslaved man who had lived...

Take the Vaccine to the People

That is the name of a proposed Chicago city ordinance to make Covid vaccines more available to poor and minority communities citywide. It was introduced...

Black History Month: Disarming the Rulers with Our Unity

The conscious political unity of our diverse working class is necessary for building the power to create a new society, one where our collective...

State of Michigan Sows Another Water Disaster in Benton Harbor

In 2018, Benton Harbor resident Emma Kennard’s daughter came to visit from Texas. She wanted to take a bath, only to discover a tub...

2022 Elections Pit Corporate Profit vs People’s Needs

America stands on the precipice of fascism, and whether it falls is up to us. The “slow-moving coup” unfolding since the failed insurrection of...

The Facebook Controversy and the Fight for a New Society

To fight a pandemic, we must reach everyone in this tightly knit global economy with the best medicines, treatments, and strategies. Before even those...

Secure Our Health and Safety, not Corporate Interests

Disgust with the Trump Administration’s feeble defense of American lives during the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in many of the votes for Joe Biden last...

Defending Democracy

Summer wildfires and hurricanes, new pandemic variants, and the grisly fascist offensive have cast a cloud of doom over American society. These are signs...

Understanding New Forms of Fascism in America

Change is upon us, and it can’t be managed by reforming one or another aspect of the atrocities we are experiencing. Many American people, especially...

Demanding a Government that Meets Human Needs

The accelerating social revolution is forcing workers to enter the political arena, not only for their survival but also to defend the democracy they...

We Abolish Educational Inequality, or They Abolish Public Education

Public education from pre-school to higher education is being permanently transformed before our eyes. The massive intrusion of corporate-owned tech platforms into public schools...

New Impulses and the Work of RevolutionariesSecretariat, League of Revolutionaries for a New America

The line between a functioning democracy and its death by strangulation grows thinner day by day.  The people’s movement for basic needs and input into...

La respuesta a la pandemia y la lucha contra el fascismo

Al propagarse la pandemia, la gente de todas partes empezó a exigirles a sus gobiernos que los protegiera del Covid.  Persistiendo, obligaron a un...

Pandemic Response and the Fight Against Fascism

As the pandemic began spreading, people all over the world demanded that their governments take action to protect them from it. Eventually, their pressure...

We Abolish Educational Inequality, or They Abolish Public Ed

Public education from pre-school to higher education is being permanently transformed before our eyes. The massive intrusion of corporate-owned tech platforms into public schools...

Demanding a Government that Meets Human Needs

The accelerating social revolution is forcing workers to enter the political arena, not only for their survival but also to defend the democracy they...

Our Imagination has Been Triggered (by this Pandemic)

Over 600,000 Americans died, and over 33 million were infected with COVID-19, much of which could have been prevented. Some are still getting sick....

Lessons from the Pandemic: Toward Complete Transformation of U.S. Health Care

Over a year ago, stunned and mask-less shoppers faced empty grocery shelves. The commercialization of human relationships and needs were called into question, as...

Inside: What is Our Country to Become?

In 2021, the question of the direction in which the country is headed remains paramount. What is this country to become? We have choices...

Vision and the Music of the Pandemic

Born from ongoing cultural dialogue between the poorest European immigrants, the descendants of slaves from West Africa, and America’s Indigenous peoples, the concept of...

From the Editors: Opioid Crisis, an Addiction to Profit

“I think the answer is paying attention to people’s needs in the first place.” — Lisa Al-Hakim, Harm Reduction Alliance, Seattle, Washington. Several major lawsuits...

Turning Point in the Fight Against American Fascism

The spring of 2021 marks an inflection point in America’s historic seesaw battle over the future of democracy and freedom. Over 360 pieces of...

Our Revolutionary History, Today’s Revolutionary Vision

In all of life, everything has a beginning, and an end. Revolution marks the time of transition from the dying of the old and...

True Justice, Beyond the Limits of the Past

Every country tells a story about itself. In America, one of the central ideas in our story is that “the unfinished revolution” of America...

Turning Point in the Fight Against American Fascism

The spring of 2021 marks an inflection point in America’s historic seesaw battle over the future of democracy and freedom. Over 360 pieces of...

Vision and the Music of the Pandemic

Born from ongoing cultural dialogue between the poorest European immigrants, the descendants of slaves from West Africa, and America’s indigenous peoples, the concept of...

Defeating COVID-19 with Science and Internationalism

The world’s people hoped that new vaccines for COVID-19 would soon defeat the coronavirus pandemic. Instead, the biggest capitalists prioritized amassing ever more wealth,...

U.S.-Mexico Border is a Battlefield Over Fascism

Global migration has been on the rise, at this time estimated at 281 million people seeking safety and security, as well as basic survival....

From the Editors: The Meaning of January 6

The January 6th storming of the Capitol led directly to the 2nd Impeachment of Donald Trump.  Government and corporate leaders fought intensely over that,...

Taking the Offensive to Defeat FascismSecretariat, League of Revolutionaries for a New America, May 2021

The stakes for our multiracial, multigendered and multigenerational working class are urgent and huge. It is essential to grasp the current conditions and to...

Police Killings and Our Fight for Class Unity

The city of Minneapolis made a $27 million settlement with the family of George Floyd, murdered by police last year. Officer Derek Chauvin was...

Voter Suppression and the Battle for the Ballot

In the midst of a raging pandemic surging to new levels, on November 3, 2020, over 155 million voters turned out to cast their...

El hito de la pandemia y nuestra lucha por vivir bien

Hemos alcanzado el hito anual de la pandemia de coronavirus. El presidente Joe Biden comentó: “Como nación, no podemos aceptar un destino tan cruel....

Pandemic Milestone and Our Struggle to Live Well

We’ve reached the year milestone for the coronavirus pandemic. President Joe Biden remarked, “As a nation, we can’t accept such a cruel fate. While...

Mientras abren las escuelas, ¿qué merecen nuestros hijos?

La batalla campal entre el Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago (CTU) y las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS) por la reapertura de las escuelas...

As Schools Open, What Do Our Kids Deserve?

The pitched battle between the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) over reopening schools reveals how teachers, their communities, and...

Inside: A Future of Fascism or Communism

Six hundred sixty-six U.S. billionaires have gained over $1 trillion in wealth during the pandemic. These billionaires could pay for all of the relief...

Victory in Georgia and the War for America

Reverend Raphael Warnock, the newly elected African American senator from Georgia, is one of 11 children raised in public housing. Jon Ossoff, who won...

We Can’t Have Human Health Without Environmental Health

The realities of personal and planetary health are bound together. Air and water pollution, fires and floods, current and potential pandemics, all of these...

Juntos, más fuertes: la política de clase de la pandemia

Desde el comienzo de la pandemia, los negros, los indígenas estadounidenses y los latinos han sufrido al menos el doble de tasas de infección...

Stronger Together: The Class Politics of the Pandemic

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Blacks, American Indians and Latinos have suffered at least twice the rates of infection as white Americans, but...

Victory in Georgia in the War for America

Reverend Raphael Warnock, the newly elected African American senator from Georgia, is one of 11 children raised in public housing. His running mate, Jon...

Inside: Embracing Transformation for the Future

In the waning days of 2020, Sarah Palin, a demagogue of the ruling class, came to Georgia to speak at a rally on behalf...

Sweet Home Chicago?

Lincoln Park is a wealthy neighborhood in Chicago. It borders Lake Michigan and has become an extension of the Gold Coast. Looking around at...

Police Terror, Rebellion and Revolution

An estimated 26 million people took to the streets in moral and political outrage at the public lynching of George Floyd on May 25,...

The Road to a New America Runs Through the South

Regardless of its outcome, the January 5 runoff election for two U.S. Senate seats in Georgia represents a historic convergence. It joins together the...

The Road to a New America Runs Through the South

Regardless of its outcome, the January 5 runoff election for two U.S. Senate seats in Georgia represents a historic convergence. It joins together the...

An Election Like No Other and the Fight for America

At a projected 161 million, the 2020 Presidential Election saw the greatest voter turnout in our history. Called at 75 million votes for Biden...

Inside: Beyond Survival to Human Liberation

This year we got a concentrated dose of what has long ailed our country — historical systematic racism, anti-government militias bent on violence against...

After the Elections: The Fight For Our Future

The record voter turnout and decisive electoral defeat of the Donald Trump administration is a victory for the working class and the entire American...

What Kind of Government do We Need to Survive the Pandemic?

It has been over nine months since the first COVID-19 stay at home orders began in U.S. states. We are going through unprecedented times...

Pandemic Enriches the Wealthy, Impoverishes Millions: Envision a Society Free of Want

The virus is running wild through our country. Two hundred thousand new cases every day, 1,500 deaths every day. Two hundred sixty-six thousand deaths...

From Fighting Eviction to Cancelling Rent

Thirty to forty million Americans are at risk of pandemic-related eviction as the various state, and local restrictions expire this fall, according to the...

Battle of Ideas: Who Is To Blame for Pandemic?

Today’s Americans follow the news of coronavirus infections and deaths like other generations followed casualty reports during world wars, and the coronavirus pandemic actually...

After the Elections: The Fight For Our Future

The record voter turnout and decisive electoral defeat of the Donald Trump administration is a victory for the working class and the entire American...

Fighting for An America Worthy of Breonna’s Memory

“Say Her Name” is a phrase that dates back to the 2015 death of activist Sandra Bland in police custody, but for millions of...

From Fighting Eviction to Cancelling the Rent

Thirty to forty million Americans are at risk of pandemic-related eviction as the various state, and local restrictions expire this fall, according to the...

The Truth About Kenosha

On Sunday, August 23, Jacob Blake was shot seven times in the back by a Kenosha police officer. A Rally, Comrades! correspondent who participated...

Imaginando un nuevo Estados Unidos

Ya es común pensar que el 2020 ha sido un desastre.  ¿Qué nos ha enseñado, y cómo debemos seguir adelante?  Tenemos que asegurar que...

Reimagine America

It’s become a common sentiment that 2020 has been a disaster. What do we learn from it, and how do we move forward? We...

Defeat Trump: Demand that Government Meet Basic Needs

The massive, spontaneous uprising of 2020, in response to the police murder of George Floyd, was possibly the largest and broadest mass movement in...

Inside: ‘Get Your Knee Off Our Necks’

“Sufferings and Struggles, Hopes and Prospects” reports on life-or-death threats people face. Nearly 14 million children in the United States went hungry in June,...

From the Editors: Beyond Devastation: New Ideas and the Way Forward

In times of great upheaval, all seems to be turmoil and often chaos. But history is not simply a never-ending circle where nothing changes...

Pandemic: ‘The Devil Went Down to Georgia’*

Albany, Georgia, was the epicenter of the COVID-19 pandemic when it first began to take hold in Georgia. The sole incorporated town in rural...

Sufferings and Struggles, Hopes and Prospects

Sixty-two percent of Americans agree that the U.S. government’s handling of the Coronavirus crisis is going badly. No community is untouched by the devastating...

Poderosa Fuerza insurgente hacia una nueva sociedad

Comenzó como explosión de agonía y justificado coraje por el asesinato policiaco de un desarmado hombre Africano- Americano, George Floyd. Se convirtió en una...

Mighty Force Rising for a New Society

It started as an explosion of agony and righteous anger at the police murder of unarmed African American George Floyd. It became a rebellion...

Something New is in Our Grasp

Millions of Americans and people worldwide are revolted by the cold-blooded murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police and organizing and speaking out in...

Louisiana: Land of Beauty and Crisis

Southern Louisiana, alongside the great Mississippi River, is where, from Baton Rouge to the Gulf of Mexico, a vast delta widens out, coursed with...

Remembering Who We Are in the Heart of the Pandemic

“The dogmas of the quiet past are inadequate to the stormy present. The occasion is piled high with difficulty, and we must rise with...
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