Voice of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America

Uniting struggles for human needs and the planet with a vision of revolutionary change!

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Defending Democracy


Summer wildfires and hurricanes, new pandemic variants, and the grisly fascist offensive have cast a cloud of doom over American society. These are signs of the death throes of global capitalism. But while the symptoms are grave, they do not determine our fate, as long as we can change the system. Capitalism and the private property that it rests on are temporary forms of social organization. They were created by human beings, and they can be overturned and discarded by human beings.

Throughout history, people have survived famines, slavery, and world wars. There is no reason we cannot also solve the problems we face today, not only to survive but in order to build a beautiful future. The question is how to do it.

Voting Rights

The first step is to address the ruling class strategy of a fascist offensive. It has expanded from the January 6 insurrection into attempts not only to defend but glorify the insurrectionists. The national movement to eliminate the right to vote includes not only the state legislation to suppress voting and tamper with the count. It now includes extreme gerrymandering, and the attempt to impose the “Independent State Legislature” doctrine to overturn the popular vote in presidential elections. Fascist organizers in California used an undemocratic recall process to unsuccessfully attempt to install a pro-Trump governor in a state with only 24 percent Republican voters.

Fascism is not simply or exclusively partisan, however. The fascist attacks by “blue state” Democrat governors on unhoused people, for example, are a critical tactical component of the overall assault on democracy and human rights. It is not possible to defeat the fascist offensive without defeating its strategy. Attacking the enemy’s tactics cannot win the war. In fact, the enemy’s tactics today are specifically designed to divide us, by geography, color, gender, religion, immigration status, and a host of other features.

The battle for voting rights is often depicted in mainstream discourse as an African American or Latino issue, but this is a half-truth. While people of color are frequently targeted and attacked, the impact extends to vast sections of the working class regardless of color. Every day, elected officials and election outcomes decide life and death issues around health care, reproductive rights, the economy, foreign policy, and more. To address this reality, the Poor People’s Campaign has tied its battle for voting rights to the fight for a $15 minimum wage.

Discarded Workers

The root of the problem is that the automation and AI of the tech economy are steadily eliminating the need for human labor. On the one hand, this is creating a new class of impoverished workers with little if any access to good jobs and no viable future in the private property economy. The ruling class is resorting to fascist dictatorship because it has no intention of allowing this new class to influence government decision-making or in any way interfere with the maximization of corporate profit.

On the other hand, the new technology itself creates the possibility of achieving 100 percent renewable energy by 2030, of healing the earth, and of eliminating global poverty through astounding improvements in productivity — if only we can wrestle it out of the hands of corporate profiteers and turn it over to the people, before the private property system irreversibly damages the planet.

Within our present system, displaced workers cannot survive without taking their fight for housing, health care, and the environment into the very political arena that the ruling class is trying to drive them from. Because its numbers are so rapidly growing, especially among the youth, and because it has no stake in the status quo, this new class is compelled, and has the power, to overturn the system and build a new society. The resistance to fascism not only has to unite all who can be united, but also must specifically ground itself in this new class of discarded workers, to lead the fight for true democracy and a new society.

Basic Needs Democrats

The most effective tactics are therefore those that tie defense of democracy to the battle to meet the immediate demands of the people. The early August victory in the fight to extend the eviction moratorium was a perfect example. It happened on the same day as the loss by would-be Squad member Nina Turner in Ohio. Turner was leading in the contest for an open Congressional seat in the Cleveland-Akron area, when the Democratic Party establishment closed ranks against her and brought about her defeat. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Democratic Majority for Israel, and Congressional Black Caucus spent together some $6 million to defeat Turner, when the money should have been spent defeating Republican voting rights opponents in the 2022 midterm elections.

Squad member Cori Bush faced off against the same Democratic establishment, when the President and Democratic-controlled Congress failed to extend the eviction moratorium on July 30. She and her Squad allies combined direct action, legislative maneuvering, and sophisticated media messaging to force the President to sign off on the extension, over the outraged protests of the real estate lobby. On the one hand, based on the urgency and basic needs character of the issue, she was able to leverage her position as someone who herself was a formerly unhoused mom. On the other hand, she was also able to effectively mobilize the support of Nancy Pelosi and the Congressional Black Caucus, the very forces who defeated Nina Turner.

The visionary approach of the Squad —that dedicated group of Congress members leading what might be called the basic needs section of the Democrats — is forcing Biden and the corporate Democrats to fight for the infrastructure bill. It coordinated with a #SealTheDeal mobilization by groups like the Sunrise Movement, Indivisible, and Movement for Black Lives to keep the bill alive despite a massive corporate lobbying effort to kill it.

If passed, the $3.5 trillion would have included universal pre-K programs; wage increases for childcare workers; a child tax credit; paid family leave; dental, vision, and hearing benefits for Medicare recipients; lower prescription drug prices; expansion of the Affordable Care Act; free community college tuition; investments in historically Black colleges; increased Pell grants; investments in public housing, the Housing Trust Fund, and community land trusts; benefits for immigrants; collective bargaining; a Climate Conservation Corps; pollution fees; forest fire prevention; reduction of carbon emissions; and development of clean energy.

The basic needs victories won in these battles along the way are key to developing a strategy for defeating fascism and defending democracy. Next steps include expansion of the Squad by electing more progressive challengers against corporate Democrats in 2022. At the same time, every victory serves as an indispensable platform for the further education and organization of the dispossessed class, taking further steps toward political independence from both the major pro-corporate parties. RC

November.December 2021 Vol31.Ed6 
This article originated in Rally, Comrades!
P.O. Box 477113 Chicago, IL 60647 rally@lrna.org
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Encampments a flashpoint in defense of Gaza

Across our country, university encampments protesting the Israeli Zionist genocide in Gaza have been attacked by administrators, police and even armed fascist gangs.

‘In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians’

This common protest chant embraces a profound reality that we live in dire times when all of us must, in some sense, struggle for our collective survival, existence and liberation alongside the people of Palestine.

Juneteenth: Celebration and continued struggle

Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, halfway through the Civil War. The war had been fought to determine which form of capitalist rule would prevail over the country, one founded on slave labor or one based on wage labor.

Reproductive freedom or fascism – fighting for women’s lives

A series of decisions by rogue courts and legislatures has forced reproductive freedom to the center of the 2024 elections, right there with migrant rights, genocide in Palestine, the planet, the economy, and the future of democracy.

The Crisis of Student Debt and the Fight for Public Education

The CSU system, once hailed nationally for its affordability and accessibility, is now at a crossroads as nearly 400,000 students and their families confront the harsh reality of escalating costs. A new tuition increase has been imposed by the Board of Trustees.

THE LEAGUE on Social Media

Read More from Rally!

Encampments a flashpoint in defense of Gaza

Across our country, university encampments protesting the Israeli Zionist genocide in Gaza have been attacked by administrators, police and even armed fascist gangs.

‘In our thousands, in our millions, we are all Palestinians’

This common protest chant embraces a profound reality that we live in dire times when all of us must, in some sense, struggle for our collective survival, existence and liberation alongside the people of Palestine.

Juneteenth: Celebration and continued struggle

Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation on January 1, 1863, halfway through the Civil War. The war had been fought to determine which form of capitalist rule would prevail over the country, one founded on slave labor or one based on wage labor.

Reproductive freedom or fascism – fighting for women’s lives

A series of decisions by rogue courts and legislatures has forced reproductive freedom to the center of the 2024 elections, right there with migrant rights, genocide in Palestine, the planet, the economy, and the future of democracy.

Defending Chicago’s migrants from rising fascism

An activist in the movement to defend immigrants recently shared how their struggle echoes that of his own family. My parents are from the breathtakingly beautiful Westcoast of Ireland, with its rugged coast and crags of lichen-covered rocks. Yet, as my Irish-born father would say, you cannot eat the scenery. Like so many others, his heart never left his homeland, but their stomachs needed to find greener pastures.

Waking up and shaking up local elections in 2024

Oakland, California has become a critical battleground in the escalating war between the working people of America, including millions of people of color, and a corporate billionaire class that is aggressively dedicated to maximizing its profits.

The Crisis of Student Debt and the Fight for Public Education

The CSU system, once hailed nationally for its affordability and accessibility, is now at a crossroads as nearly 400,000 students and their families confront the harsh reality of escalating costs. A new tuition increase has been imposed by the Board of Trustees.

Uncommitted Votes: Georgia & Washington Voters Demand “Ceasefire Now!”

Voters in Georgia and Washington State added their voices to the growing demand for a Cease-Fire in Gaza and justice for the Palestinian people by voting “uncommitted” and “leave it blank” in the March 12 Democratic primary.

MAGA school-voucher plans flunk in some red states

In this critical 2024 election year, MAGA and other fascist forces use public education as a venue for the performative politics of fear, anger, hatred. They claim they are victimized by certain public school programs, which are actually aimed at meeting the educational and emotional needs of all students.

2024: The war for democracy

Turnout in the 2024 elections will be decisive for at least temporarily stopping American fascists from destroying the little democracy we still have left. Would-be corporate dictators are organized, well-funded, and have plans to seize power at every level, from cities and towns to the federal government.

Poor People’s Campaign brings demands of 140 million Americans to the statehouses

At noon local time Saturday, March 2 in at least 30 state capitals,the Poor People’s Campaign, A National Call for a Moral Revival will hold Mass Poor People’s and Low Wage Workers State House Assemblies and to-the-Polls rallies.


Wealthy West Coast real estate speculators and their supporters in state and local governments are stepping up their attacks on poor and unhoused people in our communities.
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