Voice of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America

Uniting struggles for human needs and the planet with a vision of revolutionary change!

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The Fight Against Police Violence is a Fight for a New Society


Hundreds of thousands of Americans are taking to the streets demanding an end to the rising murderous militarized police state. One of the demonstrators’ chants, which points to the source of the problem is, “The whole damn system is guilty.” This is a critical moment. How do we stop the killings?

Under capitalism, the police are the guardians of the private property of the billionaires who are the owners of the giant corporations that have taken over the government and our nation. For this reason, while we fight police violence every step of the way, we can’t stop the police state without getting rid of the capitalist system.

Capitalism is an economic system based on the interests of the few rather than the many. Under capitalism it is not immoral for a city with the greatest concentration of wealth to demolish the largest homeless encampment in the country. Under capitalism, it’s okay for filthy rich pharmaceutical companies to charge exorbitant prices while people die in the street for a lack of medicine. Under capitalism, thousands can go without running water — while corporations have the right to own this life-sustaining resource to maximize their profits.

Isn’t it time to discard the immoral ideas of the owning class and fight for a whole new society organized around the wellbeing of the people rather than the private property of the few?

This is possible today. New ways of producing, using the computer and the robot, are creating poverty wage jobs or permanent unemployment for millions.  History shows that, as new ways of producing change the economic foundation, a new society that fits the new foundation must be built. Will it be another society based on the exploitation of labor? Or will it be a society based on public ownership of the socially necessary means of life where the abundance electronics makes possible is used for the benefit of all?

What people think will be decisive. Thus, the old adage — without vision a people will perish — has never been truer. What is the vision?

Communism is an economic system based on the public ownership of the means of producing what society needs. Under communism, the abundance of water, housing, and healthcare would be publicly, not privately owned, and distributed based on need, not money. Under communism, police forces, whose job under capitalism is to protect the billionaire’s private property, would not exist. The only role for government would be to plan the production and distribution of society’s abundance. But until humanity grasps the possibilities of a new communist world, the owning class will maintain a stranglehold on their private wealth.

This moment shows that an organization of revolutionaries is needed to bring consciousness and vision to the people. Such an organization would propagate one message far and wide about our main enemy — private property — and the communist solution.

Join the League of Revolutionaries for a New America! Together, we can merge every stream of protest into a torrent of revolution for a new society where people can live healthy happy and peaceful lives.

Let’s talk. The times demand that revolutionaries come together.

Contact the League of Revolutionaries for a New America at 773-486-0028, visit us on the web at lrna.org or write us at LRNA, PO Box 477113, Chicago, IL 60647.

January/February. Vol25.Ed1
This article originated in Rally, Comrades!
P.O. Box 477113 Chicago, IL 60647 rally@lrna.org
Free to reproduce unless otherwise marked.


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