The outside billionaires’ attempt to take over the Los Angeles Unified School District board shows once again that they care only about capitalist investment and not the needs of the people. The $10 million spent on the school board race is significant. This money is coming from outside the district and is an attempt to privatize education.
The Los Angeles Times and the media in this city recently used a recording of a city council member drawing up the council districts they want, have portrayed the recording’s contents as a split between black and brown communities. They are trying to stir up identity politics. The working class and revolutionary leadership immediately rejected the media’s attempt.
As long as the working class is mobilized and fighting, the ruling class cannot push this narrative. Young people are mobilized. Put a name on this. This is the capitalist class. This is an opportunity for the fighting class to attack white supremacy and take a large step forward on the class priorities.
People are not being fooled. People are hungry. They need housing, they need food.
November/December 2022 vol.32. Ed6
Published: November 19, 2022
This article originated in Rally, Comrades!
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