We honor Stella Sikorski, a founding member of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America, for her years of contribution to the future of humanity. We have not forgotten the decisive role she played in holding the organization together under the most difficult circumstances.
The ruling class goes out of its way to laud individuals and their activity as if individuals create history. No. History is created by the millions of dedicated fighters who, often unseen and unknown, dig the foundations and lay the footings for the movements that inspire the masses to create their history.
We have always found Comrade Stella there — providing the stability when others wavered. Pointing the direction when others were confused. Our organization owes much to Comrade Stella. And yet it was to make such contributions that she joined us.
Her work and her spirit were so visible because she believed that a new society could be built where people did not have to starve, or be homeless, or be without hope. She was a comrade who was respected and loved by many.
“Dziękuję towarzyszu!” Thank you, comrade!
July/August 2021. vol.31. Ed4
This article originated in Rally, Comrades!
P.O. Box 477113 Chicago, IL 60647 rally@lrna.org
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