The teachers’ uprising sweeping the country is a fight for the future, not only for our children, but for the well being of all of society . Mobilizing the human mind, the greatest productive power that exists, is essential to solve the catastrophic challenges that threaten humanity today. Education at all levels is profoundly a relationship between human beings. Sharing and transferring experience, history, and knowledge requires a fundamental human connection. But private property reduces and limits this birthright of humanity to a miserable level. Real education that encourages critical thinking, and a deep understanding of the challenges that humanity now faces, could be provided free for everyone.
The old system of public education on all levels is in the process of being destroyed, as the destruction of wage-labor and capital reverberates throughout society. Whether public or private, education has always played the role of socializing the workforce for the needs of capitalism. Public education has not yet disappeared, and the ruling class uses the schools to socialize and control the rising generation of the new class. The State is intervening directly in the “education” of our youth, and the schools themselves are being transformed into virtual prisons occupied by the police. In the U.S. today, both the public and the privatized schools-to-prison pipeline is alive and well. Society could easily guarantee everything that humans need to thrive, including a quality education for everyone. But that will happen only when the technology of society is owned and used for the benefit of society as a whole.
Capitalism and its corporate attack dogs are fighting forward to a new system of private property that owns everything. In the fight for our new generation, there is no choice but to match them by fighting for a new society that supports everyone cooperatively.
For more articles from Rally, Comrades! on the fight for public education visit
May/June 2018 Vol28.Ed3
This article originated in Rally, Comrades!
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