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Monthly Archives: July, 2012

El movimiento antiimigrante y el fascismo

El fascismo de hoy es una respuesta política a la globalización - capitalismo en la era electrónica - y a la batalla de EE.UU....

The Anti-Immigration Movement and Fascism

Fascism today is a political response to globalization - capitalism in the age of electronics - and the U.S. battle to dominate the global...

What is the Goal, the Strategy and the Mission of the LRNA?

Revolutionary organizations are created to solve the principal problem of a specific quantitative stage of history. Today that problem is that the masses are...

Unity of Dispossessed only Weapon as Fascist Culture Gains Ground

The anti-immigration drumbeat that has been led by nativist gangs and neo-nazi vigilante-type groups is contributing to the building of a fascist culture that...

Public Housing, Politics and the Need for New Strategies

At this time, some 5.4 million families living in HUD-subsidized housing are in grave danger. HUD (U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development) currently...

Rising Global Ruling Class Transforming World Economy and Society

Today a rising global ruling class is accumulating unprecedented wealth, not so much from buying labor power and extracting surplus value, but mainly through...

Polarization Accelerates as Economic Power Shifts

The world has entered the beginning stage of a vast social revolution brought on by the transfer of social production from electro-mechanical production to...

Save Humanity, Save the Earth

Two interrelated global crises confront us in this intense epoch. Exponentially accelerated technological development has pushed the inherent contradiction of capitalist to its limit...

In This Issue: Globalization and its Discontents

In May of this year tens of thousands of revolutionaries from across the country gathered in Chicago during the convening of the "Group of...
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