Voice of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America

Uniting struggles for human needs and the planet with a vision of revolutionary change!

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Monthly Archives: September, 2022

We Demand a New Birth of Freedom in 2022

The 2020 U.S. elections were the most important since the Civil War and Reconstruction era, and the elections in 2022 promise to be even...

Inside: Abolitionist Class Fights for Democracy, Threatens Private Property

Only a few months ago it appeared that the big mouths of private property were going to sweep the November 2022 midterm elections. As...

From the Editors: Unity of the Class, Unity of the Americas

On January 28, 1948, 28 migrant farmworkers were killed in an airplane crash which inspired folk singer Woody Guthrie to write, “Deportee ,” a...

Repression against the Homeless Is an Attack on All

All over the country, the repression against unhoused people is being amped up. Instead of putting resources into housing people, monies people vote for...

Whose Kids? Our Kids! The Attack on Public Education

As public schools enter their third year of COVID, public education as a system is staggering on the ropes. Since 2020, more than half...

Revolutionary Transformation Today: Excerpts from the Political Resolution of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America

The global ruling class that controls the tools and technologies of society has pushed humanity and Nature to the brink. For over a decade now, and in...
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