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Technology / Laborless production
Angelenos fight wildfires, capitalism’s vultures
Disastrous fires around Los Angeles are forcing people to fight over the area’s future, now.
Politicize the Tech Revolution by Building Class Unity
Technology like AI displaces workers into an “equality of poverty”, spurring solidarity that gets politicized by showing they are fighting an economic system that must be changed.
Defeat Project 2025, demand government meets basic needs
Project 2025 is a 920-page blueprint for the dictatorship that corporations openly plan to impose if they can get a “conservative president” elected or installed this November. It unquestionably represents the most immediate and dangerous tendency in the overall fascist offensive and must be defeated.
In 1964, Fannie Lou Hamer called on the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City to recognize delegates of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party. This is her testimony about that state's fascist vote suppression and police brutality.
New strategy for unions is emerging
When times were better, the trade union movement was how many workers fought to achieve the American Dream, but now unions are increasingly necessary just to survive in the new economy. And even a union contract no longer guarantees families a secure future if they belong to the new social class that is rapidly becoming dispossessed of secure employment, housing or healthcare.
Gaza war machine ‘made in USA’
The United States could stop the ongoing Gaza massacre of Palestinians by the Zionist government calling itself “Israel” in 24 hours, but it refuses to do so, even though the majority of Americans demand this.
Migrants suffering capitalist chaos
In the United States and Western Hemisphere, we are seeing a global movement of people leaving their homes behind to find life-threatening hardships on their journeys, sometimes crossing up to 14 countries and their borders to get to the U.S.-Mexico border.
Fighting for human needs in the 2024 elections
The deteriorating economic situation for millions of Americans is generating both a rising tide of people fighting for their basic needs and a ruling-class turn toward fascist solutions to crush the resistance.
Capitalism Cannot Withstand AI
The famous scientist, Stephen Hawking once warned that artificial intelligence (Ai) would be “either the best, or the worst thing, ever to happen to humanity.” The issue is which human social force – which economic class of people – controls it.
Defending Democracy, Reclaim Our Humanity from Florida to California and All States in between
The fascist monsters in Texas have carried out the recent torture and murder of migrant workers, women, children, even babies. They are killing in our name! In the web of lies they and haters like them spin, they are trying to frighten us into giving up our human rights.
Reconstruction era lessons for fighting fascism
This is not the time to become complacent about our democratic rights to protest and to vote. Although some fascist politicians were defeated in...
Inflation is extractive capitalism’s new weapon
Seemingly out of nowhere for many people, prices for the basic necessities of life are skyrocketing. The United States today is verging on the...
The South leads the nation’s healthcare system to the brink
Your local hospital just closed. It happens behind the scenes, unless it’s in your city, town or neighborhood. The paradox of massive numbers of...
The South leads the nation’s healthcare system to the brink
Your local hospital just closed. It happens behind the scenes, unless it’s in your city, town or neighborhood. The paradox of massive numbers of...
Inflation is extractive capitalism’s new weapon
Seemingly out of nowhere for many people, prices for the basic necessities of life are skyrocketing. The United States today is verging on the...
INSIDE Rally! The real choice in this year’s elections
No ballot for the 2022 elections will show “democracy” running against “fascism,” yet that is the choice behind many of the issues and candidacies...
Behind Puerto Rico’s stormy weather: naturalized social disasters and the profit logic of capitalism
Hurricane Fiona, making landfall in Puerto Rico on September 18, took lives, shut down the power grid and impeded access to drinking water for...
When We Fight, We Win – Progressive Surge Rocks Los Angeles Establishment
The following article was written by the Basic Needs Electoral Committee of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America.
Thirty years after the Rodney...
Repression against the Homeless Is an Attack on All
All over the country, the repression against unhoused people is being amped up. Instead of putting resources into housing people, monies people vote for...
Revolutionary Transformation Today: Excerpts from the Political Resolution of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America
The global ruling class that controls the tools and technologies of society has pushed humanity and Nature to the brink. For over a decade now, and in...
Our Country and the World Stand at a Crossroads: Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America
Editor’s Note: In this issue of Rally!, we are publishing the Program of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America (LRNA), adopted by...
From the Editors: Displacement not Replacement
On the afternoon of May 14, an eighteen-year-old gunman tragically targeted and murdered ten African Americans and injured others at a grocery store in...
Revolutionary Vision: Toward a Cultural Offensive
Every element of the actual, physical war against the American people is at the same time a cultural war to divide and conquer. In...
Entering a New Stage: The Advent of AI
Thirty years ago, Nelson Peery, in Entering an Epoch of Social Revolution, recognized and delineated the broad contours of an epoch-making shift in human...
Long COVID: the Revolutionary Struggle in the Fight
The fight of those suffering long COVID forms a frontline against the tyranny of the dying capitalist system. According to the advocacy network Long...
Our Deaths Are Part of Their Plan
Americans will die sooner than expected, because of a dangerous virus and a lethal social system. America’s average life expectancy fell in 2021, for...
Women at the Forefront of Social Transformation
America is polarizing politically, but not primarily along the party lines of the two main political parties, or between red and blue states. There...
Dynamics of the Global Capitalist Crisis
The current international situation is fraught with political, economic, environmental, and social crises that threaten human existence as we know it. This situation is...
Repairing Ecological Destruction
The following article is based on a report presented to the Secretariat of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America.
Fossil fuels are not...
A New Economy Gives Rise to New World
The walls and foundations of a 3D-printed home can be completed in two days with a three-to-four-person crew and reduces the production costs down...
COVID-19: A Shared Vision of the Way Forward
“None of us really anticipated Omicron,” Stanford epidemiologist Dr. Yvonne Maldonado told CNN in a late January overview of current discussion between experts. She...
The Truth About the Pandemic and Policing in U.S.
Americans are suffering almost 500,000 new coronavirus infections per day, with over 100,000 being hospitalized, and a death rate over 1/3 higher than at...
La verdad sobre la pandemia y la policía en EE. UU.
Los estadounidenses sufren casi 500,000 nuevas infecciones de coronavirus por día, con más de 100,000 hospitalizados y una tasa de mortalidad 1/3 más alta...
From Illusions to Possibilities in 2022
After nine months of a pandemic that saw more than 70 million Americans go without work, and after mass unrest over the police murder...
Inside: Speculation Promotes Inequality in Housing, Society
In November, The Guardian ran a feature on Fresno, California — a portrait relevant to what’s happening all across America. “How One of California’s...
Black History Month: Disarming the Rulers with Our Unity
The conscious political unity of our diverse working class is necessary for building the power to create a new society, one where our collective...
2022 Elections Pit Corporate Profit vs People’s Needs
America stands on the precipice of fascism, and whether it falls is up to us. The “slow-moving coup” unfolding since the failed insurrection of...
A Vision of Unity and a Future for All
With the remarkable development of human knowledge, it seems impossible that so many could die from Covid-19. The U.S. is edging toward 800,000 deaths...
Una visión de unidad y un futuro para todos
Con el asombroso desarrollo del conocimiento humano, parece imposible que tantos mueran por Covid-19. En EE.UU. para principios de febrero más de 900,000 personas...
The Facebook Controversy and the Fight for a New Society
To fight a pandemic, we must reach everyone in this tightly knit global economy with the best medicines, treatments, and strategies. Before even those...
2022 Elections Pit Corporate Profit vs People’s Needs
America stands on the precipice of fascism, and whether it falls is up to us. The “slow-moving coup” unfolding since the failed insurrection of...
Inside: Love, Vision, the End of Division
Driven by desperation, nearly 15,000 people gathered under a bridge connecting Del Rio in Texas with Ciudad Acuña in Mexico. Most were originally from...
Defending Democracy
Summer wildfires and hurricanes, new pandemic variants, and the grisly fascist offensive have cast a cloud of doom over American society. These are signs...
From the Editors: Covid-19: Our Children are Counting on Us
We look at the numbers representing the toll of the Pandemic to understand our stark reality and see the possibilities of a better future.
Pandemic Recovery Requires Shift in Consciousness
The betrayal of the poor couldn’t be more obvious. The U.S. ruling class has sacrificed more than 750,000 Americans, paying lip service to “essential...
Our Children are Counting on Us
We look at the numbers representing the toll of the Pandemic to better understand our stark reality and how to see the possibilities of...
Demanding a Government that Meets Human Needs
The accelerating social revolution is forcing workers to enter the political arena, not only for their survival but also to defend the democracy they...
From the Editors: Pandemic: Homelessness Increased Instead of Housing
From the beginning of the pandemic, our class has fought to stop evictions, find safe housing for those without and provide basic needs for...
We Abolish Educational Inequality, or They Abolish Public Education
Public education from pre-school to higher education is being permanently transformed before our eyes. The massive intrusion of corporate-owned tech platforms into public schools...
New Impulses and the Work of RevolutionariesSecretariat, League of Revolutionaries for a New America
The line between a functioning democracy and its death by strangulation grows thinner day by day.
The people’s movement for basic needs and input into...
La pandemia: Un aumento de la indigencia en lugar de más viviendas
Desde el principio de la pandemia, nuestra clase ha luchado por detener los desalojos, encontrar viviendas seguras para aquellos que no las tienen y...
Pandemic: Homelessness Increased Instead of Housing
From the beginning of the pandemic, our class has fought to stop evictions, find safe housing for those without and provide basic needs for...
La respuesta a la pandemia y la lucha contra el fascismo
Al propagarse la pandemia, la gente de todas partes empezó a exigirles a sus gobiernos que los protegiera del Covid. Persistiendo, obligaron a un...
Pandemic Response and the Fight Against Fascism
As the pandemic began spreading, people all over the world demanded that their governments take action to protect them from it. Eventually, their pressure...
We Abolish Educational Inequality, or They Abolish Public Ed
Public education from pre-school to higher education is being permanently transformed before our eyes. The massive intrusion of corporate-owned tech platforms into public schools...
Demanding a Government that Meets Human Needs
The accelerating social revolution is forcing workers to enter the political arena, not only for their survival but also to defend the democracy they...
Our Imagination has Been Triggered (by this Pandemic)
Over 600,000 Americans died, and over 33 million were infected with COVID-19, much of which could have been prevented. Some are still getting sick....
Inside: What is Our Country to Become?
In 2021, the question of the direction in which the country is headed remains paramount. What is this country to become? We have choices...
Turning Point in the Fight Against American Fascism
The spring of 2021 marks an inflection point in America’s historic seesaw battle over the future of democracy and freedom. Over 360 pieces of...
Capitalism Can’t Keep Us Safe from Coronavirus
We can all appreciate that vaccines will slow the number of new COVID-19 infections and deaths without ignoring the 14,000 Americans still getting sick...
The Inequality Crisis: Vaccine Distribution and the Need for a New Society
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness,...
True Justice, Beyond the Limits of the Past
Every country tells a story about itself. In America, one of the central ideas in our story is that “the unfinished revolution” of America...
Turning Point in the Fight Against American Fascism
The spring of 2021 marks an inflection point in America’s historic seesaw battle over the future of democracy and freedom. Over 360 pieces of...
Juneteenth 2021: Revolutionary Reconstruction Today
The news that slavery was abolished finally reached Texas on June 19, 1865, over two years after Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation. Today we celebrate...
Taking the Offensive to Defeat FascismSecretariat, League of Revolutionaries for a New America, May 2021
The stakes for our multiracial, multigendered and multigenerational working class are urgent and huge. It is essential to grasp the current conditions and to...
May Day: To Understand is to Hope
Hope: to cherish a desire with anticipation; to want something to happen or be true.
Understand: to grasp the meaning of.
(Merriam-Webster Dictionary)
On this May 1st,...
Police Killings and Our Fight for Class Unity
The city of Minneapolis made a $27 million settlement with the family of George Floyd, murdered by police last year. Officer Derek Chauvin was...
Fight of Amazon Workers Expresses Desperation Born of COVID-19
Stultifying toil describes well the conditions workers at Amazon face, driving them to participate in union organizing in multiple states. Employees are compelled to...
Inexcusable Rise of Homelessness During Pandemic
Though homelessness has been increasing for over four decades, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought homeless and tenant’s rights organizers to the forefront of American...
El hito de la pandemia y nuestra lucha por vivir bien
Hemos alcanzado el hito anual de la pandemia de coronavirus. El presidente Joe Biden comentó: “Como nación, no podemos aceptar un destino tan cruel....
Pandemic Milestone and Our Struggle to Live Well
We’ve reached the year milestone for the coronavirus pandemic. President Joe Biden remarked, “As a nation, we can’t accept such a cruel fate. While...
Mientras abren las escuelas, ¿qué merecen nuestros hijos?
La batalla campal entre el Sindicato de Maestros de Chicago (CTU) y las Escuelas Públicas de Chicago (CPS) por la reapertura de las escuelas...
As Schools Open, What Do Our Kids Deserve?
The pitched battle between the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) over reopening schools reveals how teachers, their communities, and...
Inside: A Future of Fascism or Communism
Six hundred sixty-six U.S. billionaires have gained over $1 trillion in wealth during the pandemic. These billionaires could pay for all of the relief...
Victory in Georgia and the War for America
Reverend Raphael Warnock, the newly elected African American senator from Georgia, is one of 11 children raised in public housing. Jon Ossoff, who won...
From the Editors: Hope in the Worst Health Crisis in a Century
2020 gave us the worst health crisis in 100 years, and along with it the worst economic crisis in 100 years. It was a...
COVID-19 Vaccines and the Attack on Basic Science
As 2021 begins, 58 COVID-19 vaccines are in development, three are in use, and three are approaching FDA approval. In less than one year...
Globalization and its Discontents
“All the world’s a stage.” These words of William Shakespeare have two meanings: first is the understanding that world history is the stage upon...
Juntos, más fuertes: la política de clase de la pandemia
Desde el comienzo de la pandemia, los negros, los indígenas estadounidenses y los latinos han sufrido al menos el doble de tasas de infección...
Stronger Together: The Class Politics of the Pandemic
Since the beginning of the pandemic, Blacks, American Indians and Latinos have suffered at least twice the rates of infection as white Americans, but...
Victory in Georgia in the War for America
Reverend Raphael Warnock, the newly elected African American senator from Georgia, is one of 11 children raised in public housing. His running mate, Jon...
Welcome to 2021: History Is Going Somewhere
2020 gave us the worst health crisis in 100 years, and along with it the worst economic crisis in 100 years. It was a...
Bienvenido a 2021: la historia va a alguna parte
2020 nos trajo la peor crisis sanitaria en 100 años y, junto con ella, la peor crisis económica en 100 años. Fue un año...
How Do We Win?
The New Year is always a time for reflection and for new resolutions. It is a time for assessing where we are now and...
COVID-19 Catastrophe: Our Class versus the Corporate State
The new year begins with reflections on the hard lessons of 2020. Countries such as China, South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, and Vietnam, which...
Blaming Us for What They Do: The Truth of the Pandemic
By November 2020, COVID-19 had become the leading cause of death in America, despite being unknown just one year ago. With only four percent...
Our Government Responsible for Spread of Covid-19 Deaths
Among the hundreds of thousands of losses among the elderly to the coronavirus are parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends. Losses of family histories,...
New Year Calls for New Thinking
January was named for Janus, the Roman god who always turned one of his faces toward the past and the other one toward the...
Inside: Embracing Transformation for the Future
In the waning days of 2020, Sarah Palin, a demagogue of the ruling class, came to Georgia to speak at a rally on behalf...
From the Editors: Covid-19 Catastrophe
The new year begins with reflections on the hard lessons of 2020. Countries such as China, South Korea, Taiwan, New Zealand, and Vietnam, which...
Sweet Home Chicago?
Lincoln Park is a wealthy neighborhood in Chicago. It borders Lake Michigan and has become an extension of the Gold Coast. Looking around at...
Police Terror, Rebellion and Revolution
An estimated 26 million people took to the streets in moral and political outrage at the public lynching of George Floyd on May 25,...
From Abolition of Slavery to Abolition of Private Property: African American History and the Liberation of Us All
America’s working class is enormous and diverse, yet we share a life-shaping commonality — we must sell our labor to live. Because we have...
Quality Education for All Children Is Possible During Pandemic
A popular song begins, “I believe the children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way.” If allowed to continue,...
Shameful Wealth SkyrocketsLet’s Talk About What Really Divides America
The American people are deeply divided. The sharply contested elections of 2020 became an arena in which the ruling class fomented division, strife, and...
Fight for a New Vision of what American Can Be
Corporations Make Billions off Pandemic
It didn’t have to be this way. The world’s largest economy rivaled only by China, the United States put private...
An Election Like No Other and the Fight for America
At a projected 161 million, the 2020 Presidential Election saw the greatest voter turnout in our history. Called at 75 million votes for Biden...
Inside: Beyond Survival to Human Liberation
This year we got a concentrated dose of what has long ailed our country — historical systematic racism, anti-government militias bent on violence against...
After the Elections: The Fight For Our Future
The record voter turnout and decisive electoral defeat of the Donald Trump administration is a victory for the working class and the entire American...