Voice of the League of Revolutionaries for a New America

Uniting struggles for human needs and the planet with a vision of revolutionary change!

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Defending Democracy, Reclaim Our Humanity from Florida to California and All States in between


By the League Community College Committee (LCCC)

Image of street protest with raised fist in the foreground, with overlayed text that reads Defend Demcracy, Re-Claim Humanity, Voices of the League

The fascist monsters in Texas have carried out the recent torture and murder of migrant workers, women, children, even babies. They are killing in our name! In the web of lies they and haters like them spin, they are trying to frighten us into giving up our human rights. In a steadfast effort to break electoral democracy, we see the national Trump-Bannon fascists and the DeSantis-Abbott fascists redouble their attacks to break our current representative government. The rulers are working to impose anti-democratic measures using legal and extra-legal means. The Alabama state legislature further dilutes Black voter representation by defying U.S. Supreme Court orders to correct white supremacist gerrymandered maps. *

The voter suppression tactics perfected against Blacks and other people of color are now being trained on young voters of all colors. In 2024 at least 30 congressional races could be impacted by the Supreme Court decision the Alabama Legislature continues to defy.

All of these measures ensure wealth and power keep flowing up to the top in the era of labor-replacing digital production and AI (artificial intelligence). Tyrannical minority rule from Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Florida into Arkansas, Tennessee, Ohio, Iowa, Idaho and Arizona seeks to subjugate, once again, historically oppressed groups. In Florida, the latest outrage tries to protect global capital by borrowing from the evil Apartheid tactics of imposing Afrikaner mis-education. After all, in order to subjugate people, you must always deny their class history and re-impose the lies of their ruling class tormentors. The constant war against the rights of women enlists new warriors from Nebraska to the military. In the most recent slap down to freedom, a young teenager and her mom have been arrested for the crime of securing health care for a young woman needing abortion, and one U.S. Senator, Alabama’s Tommy Tuberville, is expanding restrictions on the reproductive freedom of military women and their families until he is satisfied that abortion bans on women are in place nationwide.

Herein lies their Achilles heel. In order to protect the current economic empire that is failing the world and its people, corporate Democrats, the fascist neo-GOP, the No Labels cabal of billionaires, and all the dark money behind them must pursue divide-and-conquer measures to try to subjugate the whole abolitionist class: a class that is us, the class that has to abolish the private-corporate-ownership of things everybody needs. The war on women and other marginalized groups is not about protecting life. It is a battle for political power to replace our current democracy with a violent corporate dictatorship that believes people and the planet must be sacrificed in the name of wealth accumulation. But we know digital production has turned this barbaric old idea on its head. We who have seen this fight in our history before know that WE CAN WIN!

All across the country, the war on us ordinary people is being waged on two fronts. The first, the social fascist front is violent and illegal actions promoting white supremacy, police and military authoritarianism and denial of democracy. The second, the economic fascist front uses legal means to privatize public services and resources, starving public resources that should be available to everyone and forcing governments at all levels to become indebted to the biggest banks and financial corporations.

They can and will crush individuals. But if we stay united in demands and cause, strategic in our movement pursuits, and clear on the better future that AI can secure for all, each of their blows will unleash new visions of liberation and freedom in an abolitionist class dedicated to securing the power needed to first stop fascism and then pivot and establish a transformed American hemisphere dedicated to securing the resources necessary to thrive and heal the people and the planet. Can we follow the example of the Texas women fighting the system’s war on women by suing the state? Can we broaden our movement by building unity between our respective causes?

We need more people busy protecting and expanding voting rights, including the right to protest. We need more people working to overturn abortion bans as they fight for the health care we all deserve. We need to demonstrate more how the lives of Immigrants, Trans and LGBTQ and other sections of the abolitionist class work to elevate political forces dedicated to uplifting the demands of the poor, to get more of the poor engaged in fighting for their lives in our neighborhoods, at city hall, and at the polls. We must work to defeat social and economic fascism by building broader unity between our various movements at the same time we work to do everything in our power to stop the attacks on we the people.

* (Allen, Alabama Secretary of State, et al. v. Milligan Et Al.)


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2024: The war for democracy

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Read More from Rally!

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The CSU system, once hailed nationally for its affordability and accessibility, is now at a crossroads as nearly 400,000 students and their families confront the harsh reality of escalating costs. A new tuition increase has been imposed by the Board of Trustees.

Uncommitted Votes: Georgia & Washington Voters Demand “Ceasefire Now!”

Voters in Georgia and Washington State added their voices to the growing demand for a Cease-Fire in Gaza and justice for the Palestinian people by voting “uncommitted” and “leave it blank” in the March 12 Democratic primary.

MAGA school-voucher plans flunk in some red states

In this critical 2024 election year, MAGA and other fascist forces use public education as a venue for the performative politics of fear, anger, hatred. They claim they are victimized by certain public school programs, which are actually aimed at meeting the educational and emotional needs of all students.

2024: The war for democracy

Turnout in the 2024 elections will be decisive for at least temporarily stopping American fascists from destroying the little democracy we still have left. Would-be corporate dictators are organized, well-funded, and have plans to seize power at every level, from cities and towns to the federal government.

Poor People’s Campaign brings demands of 140 million Americans to the statehouses

At noon local time Saturday, March 2 in at least 30 state capitals,the Poor People’s Campaign, A National Call for a Moral Revival will hold Mass Poor People’s and Low Wage Workers State House Assemblies and to-the-Polls rallies.


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